the beggining

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"Congratulations it's a girl" said the doctor as she handed the couple their newly born child.

Adrien Agreste, the father of the child held his very first daughter in his arms and held her tiny little hand while smiling.

"Welcome to the world my little kitten" 
he gave the baby to her mom and smiled.

"What are we gonna name her Mari?"

She smiled because she new exactly what the baby's name would be.

"Emma, Emma Leigh Agreste"

Adrien's face lit up and he felt so happy.

"Emma Leigh as in.."

Marinette cut him off before he could finish his sentence

"As in Emilie Agreste, your mom. Do you like it?"

She knew what the answer would be but asked anyway.

"I love it, thank you princess."

And so on that day their first child emma leigh agreste was born, she was very beautiful.

She had blue hair like her mom and emerald green eyes.

She was a very happy baby and behaved pretty well, she barely woke up at night and rarely cried.

5 years later
It has been five years now and a lot has changed, Marinette and Adrien had a child three years after Emma was born, a son named Louis and now it's the day of Emma's 5th birthday

"Emma get dressed we have to go to grandma and grandpa's bakery to get your cake before we go meet your dad and Louis at gabriel's house." 

Marinette shouted from downstairs.

Emma put on her dress and went downstairs to put her shoes on.

"Hi my minibug, are you excited for your party?"

Emma nodded as she finished putting her shoes on and waited for her mom to get hers on.

"Alright, i already started the car so go wait in it for me, I have to get your presents."

"Okay mommy!"

Emma went to wait in the car and Marinette grabbed her presents and everything else they needed and put it all in the trunk.

"Okay let's go get your cake and head to your party."

As Mari was driving to the bakery she got a call and told Emma to answer it since she was driving.

"Hello?" Emma said.

"Hi kitten, I haven't seen you yet today but happy birthday, where's your mom at?"

"Oh hi daddy, mommy's driving but I can put you on speaker!"

"Yes please, thank you."

She put the phone on speaker.

"Hi princess"

"Hi kitty, what's up?"

"We finished setting up early so I went to the bakery and got the cake so you guys can just come over here already."

"Oh okay I was actually on my way there right now but I'll just come to your dads house, how's louis?"

"He's good but he keeps trying to get in the pool so I gave him a cupcake."

"Okay, I brought all of our swimsuits so tell him when I get there he can swim, are any guests there yet?"

"No but Alya and Nino said they're coming early with their kids."

She pulled into the Agreste Mansion's driveway and parked the car.

"Okay I'm here, can you come help me get stuff out of the car?"

"Yeah I'm coming right now."

She hung up the phone and Adrien came outside to help take all the presents inside.

"Hey princess" he kissed her.

"Hi my kitty"

She kissed him back and grabbed the bag with all their things out of the trunk and shut it. Louis ran outside and came running up to her and hugged her.


"Hi baby, I missed you, do you want to go swimming?"

"Yes yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!"

"Okay calm down, I'll help you put on your swimming trunks in a second but for now go play in the play house with your sister."

Emma and Louis went inside and played in the play house that Gabriel bought for them to have at his house whenever they came over. They decided to have the party at his house because it was huge and had a pool and movie theater.

A/N: hi babes, i hope you enjoyed the first chapter i know it was sort of long and honestly I think they all might be long because I'm just full of ideas for this story!! Anywayy love you all <33

Word count: 718

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