chapter 2

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Boboiboy's pov....
Today's weather was perfect. Many cherry blossom were falling in the ground. Currently I was walking towards a gift shop. Where I would buy a special gift for a special person of my life.

Can you guess who is she?

Author's POV...
It's not an ordinary gift like a bracelet or a necklace. The dino hat boy went to the hijabi girl's apartment. And knocked on the door.

"Yaya? Yaya? Open the door!" Boboiboy said but no one answered. He griped tightly the small box inside his pocket. In every knock he became more suspicious.

"Hey! YAYA!! Are you here?!" He yelled again but like first time no one answered.

He became worried and turn the door knob. But surprisingly the door was opened. He became more worried and entered. He went to her room. But there was nothing. No bed no clothes no furniture. Only a dirty broken mirror. He instantly went downstairs. He tried to call her on her phone but no one answered. He searched the whole apartment for her. But she isn't there.

He went to her best friend's apartment as fast as he could.

"YING!!! Ying!!! Are you there?" He asked while knocking on the door.

"Oh! Hey Boboiboy how can I help you?"

"Ying do you know where is yaya?"


"Yes! Yaya? Do you know?"

"No. She didn't tell me. Wait is she missing?

"Yeah! She is! I don't know what to do!"

" I will ask Fang."

"And I will Gopal."

"Hey Fang do you know where is yaya?......yes she.....yeah. she is missing.....yes. Boboiboy told me...... he is you come here?......ok.....ok we will wait." Ying finished telling Fang. While Boboiboy finished calling Gopal.

"So, he said he is coming quickly." Ying said

"Gopal said too." Boboiboy said.

And Fang came rode on his shadow eagle. And Gopal came running like his life depended on it.

"Hey! Buddy? Why do you tell me to come here quickly? What happened?" Gopal asked.

"Hey! He didn't Tell you?" Fang said.

"No! Why?"

"I thought you two are best friends?"

"Yeah we are-" Fang cut gopal.

"Then why did he didn't tell you?"

"I i-i don't know!"

"And you two are best friends. Tch! What kind of best friend are you?"

Ying could not bear it and smacked the two on their head.

"Hey!! STOP you two!!!We are not here for bickering or quarrel or fighting!!!!"

"What is your problem woman?!!!" Fang angrily said. "Ouch my head."

"Tch!!! Spikey head!!!"


"Carrot head!!"

"Hey I like carrots doesn't means I am a carrot!!!! shorty!!!"

"Spikey head!!"

"Can you stop guys and tell me what is happening here??!" Gopal yelled. But they didn't listen and continue to bickering.

But Boboiboy suddenly brust out "hey!!! I called you guys for a help!!! Yaya is Missing and you guys are acting like nothing have had happened!!!!!"

"What Yaya is missing!!!!!" Gopal yelled.

[So much yelling. Uhh!! How noisy people. You are!]

"We are sorry Boboiboy." Both Fang and Ying apologize.

"Ok. Guys calm down and think." Gopal said.

"How can I calm down?" Boboiboy said.

"You have to be buddy." Fang said.

"So. Ying did she tell you about some thing?" Fang asked. Ying shook her head.

"Like she is in a new apartment? Or something?" Gopal said.

"No! She didn't."

"Uhhhh..this sucks my head hurts and I am hungry." Gopal complaind.

"Hey. Could you please just not think about food for one day." Fang said.

"No! Food is my love."

"Uhh! This boy!!" Ying said.

"Ok. Boboiboy when did you found out that Yaya is missing?" Fang asked.

"In the morning! It's like 8:00am. I knocked on the door several times. But no one answered then I became worried and tried to open the door but surprisingly the door was opened. I straight go to her room but there were nothing not even a furniture. Only a broken mirror. I searched for her in the whole apartment but she wasn't there and I finished came here and calling you guys!!!!" Boboiboy answered in one breath.

"Calm down buddy. And drink a glass of water." Gopal said as he handed him one.

"Thank you guys." Boboiboy said.

"Ok. Guys let's search for her." Ying said.

"Let's go." Fang said.
And they go out on a search for her. In less then 20minutes they came back.

"Found anything?" Boboiboy said.

As the three shook their head.

"Me either."Boboiboy said.

"Let's inform the police." Gopal said. But Ying said "hey we have search this whole island but we-" she was cutted off when Gopal dialled the number of the police station.


"Pulau rintis island police station."

"I want to write a report."

"Yes sir. Please say."

"Our friend yaya is missing."

"You mean Yaya? YAYA YAH? One of the heroes of the earth?"

"Yeah she."

"Say sir."

"She is missing."

"Missing? Missing from what time?"

" from 8:00 am."

"Sorry sir you have to wait for one day. May be she is in her home? Or to her parents?"


"But-" Gopal didn't say anything as the phone cut.

"What did the police said?" Asked fang. Gopal told everything.

"May be the police is right. We can wait for a day or two?" Ying said.

"Yeah." Gopal said.

"You guys wait!!! I will do it myself!!!! You don't have to HELP'me." Boboiboy yelled on them and stomped away.

"What is his problem?" Fang said.

"Yeah! We want to help him." Ying said.

"Guys. You know he has anger issue. It will be alright after sometimes." Gopal said. As the two nodded.

Boboiboy's POV....

What did they think? I can't do it?!!! I can do it!!! I will saw them!!! I will save Yaya. I will find her!!!

Yaya you just wait.

Uhh so much this chapter.

But hope you guys like it.

And,can you guess what happened to our heroine Yaya??

It's for today see you in the next chapter.

(Boboiboy X Yaya) After Years [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now