Libra Arc - Chapter 3: Taking My First Quest

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Right now it was 12pm in the afternoon. I didn't have a watch but I can always rely on the sun's position. Right now, I was walking in the unpaved roads towards the village in my quest with a certain someone.

"Why did you ask for me, Pellet-chan?"

And I didn't get any answer, I got ignored.

If you're wondering who I'm talking to, it's the loli elf from earlier. And if you're curious of what happened before the both of us started going to the same destination, let's do a little flashback.


"...Excuse me?"

I asked the short elf with a frightened look on my face. I was sitting on the floor after losing balance, afterall.

"You will join me in this quest. I heard during your registration that you scored a full mark, that means you're able to lift things 5,000 kilograms and above. Isn't that right?"

I nodded reluctantly. What might she do with me and my strength?

"Then come with me."

"But wh-"

"Come with me."

"Don't I get a say in this?"

"Come with me."

We continued like this for several minutes, she was too desperate, this loli. In the end, I gave up and accepted the quest with her.

So now, back to the present.

We've finally arrived at the entrance of the Village.

"So this is the place where we'll do our job. Is this place under attack?"

I asked Pellet-chan while not actually looking at her but at the obviously peaceful village.

"There have been reports of goblin sightings here lately. They've been scaring away children and stealing the crops." She informed me briskly.

"How did you know?"

"I have went here already just recently. But for a different goal in mind. Now then, let's go and talk to the village chief to inform him that we'll be taking the quest. We might get some useful information that can aid us in battle."

A village being attacked by goblins, huh. Pretty common but it's also logical in this world considering the mindset of goblins. I should just be thankful they haven't kidnapped any residents of this village yet.

Pellet-chan ushered me inside and we entered the village. I daresay, they were pretty... untroubled. I guess goblins aren't that much of a deal if it's just stealing some crops and scaring children off.

The adults were just doing their jobs while the children played. Eventually, we've reached and entered the village chief's house. It seemed like Pellet-chan already knew where it was.

We discussed the goblin subjugation quest with the village chief and he pointed to us a woodland near the village. Children often play there and it's where the lumberjacks do their work, it was also the place where sightings of goblins were said to be in.

After showing us his gratitude for accepting his request and wishing us goodluck, we immediately set out to explore the forest near the village. However, we didn't so much as see any monsters besides a pair of weak slimes that casually ignored us. We continued even further in while inspecting the ground and our surroundings for any clues of where those creatures were.

"Hey, why do you not have any weapons on you?"

The loli elf asked while turning her head to give me a side-way glance. I also knew I didn't have any weapons on me but I still went either way.

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