Hy guys
Actually I'm here to inform you that only four writers took participate in this os competition firstly I decided to cancel this but then I thought to continue because those who really r interested I don't want to spoil their excitement
Participants are
* Khushi2334
* Praahi
* thecricketgirl
* stumpsandbailsSo guys now I just extended the date of submission from 3rd June to 5th June now u guys can submit your os till 5th of June so if anyone else also want to participate do think about it 😊
Then I'll post that on this book at 6th of June
There are some rules about the competition
* First is I'll post the os without the names of writers so that will give fair winner nd writers u r also not going to reveal to your friends that which one is your os
*Second is the time of voting will be 24 hrs after that no votes and comments will be counted I'll post STOP comment after that no-one will able to comment ok nd I'll take screenshots of votes in same time so noone will think I cheated ok
*You all can tell your friends to vote and comment in the os but without telling which one is your os please be hones
*Give this os competition book shoutout then only u guys gets votes na
*Ask anything if you have doubt in comments 😊
Ok bye
All the best ♥️