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YES,, OTP MY LOVELY SHIP, i mean it kinda is but i have others, these 2 have a lot in common and one is that they knew who each other were back in school, plus they are kinda cute together, cannot argue with myself with this but I can, so 9/10 yes. 

Now to bring them here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Magically bring them hear with lovely ink*


Mina - Where am I?? 

Kiri-  Villian *Get ready to attack*

Me- Hold up, I'm not a villain but I am making u react to this ship

Mina - WELLL bitch Why didn't you say that before... *Looks up* Oh.. o h

Kiri - *Looks up as well* *Blushes* Me and Mina.. 

Me- Mhm now this is my OTPS

Mina - Not gonna lie *Blushes* Kirishima is one hot man, yes I would date him, sheesh especially if his quirk is hardening, You know what he can else harden *Sly Smirk*

Kiri- *Dies of embarrassment* Min-naaa

Me - U_U His Cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mina and Me - *nosebleeds* His Dickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!11111

So will you both rate it....

Mina - 1000/10

Kirishima - 10/10

Hehehe, now you 2 lovebirds go....(p≧w≦q)

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