A Chat With Grayson

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Hey ladies and gentlemen! Before I start this chapter, I want to thank you so much for 400 reads! If I make any mistakes don't be shy to correct me so I can fix the errors. Much love! Thanks to all you beautiful people <3

I see Ethan tweeted something reading:

Sometimes we need to cut the people out of lives for the better. Sometimes for the worse.

Then I tweet:

Don't change your personality so someone will like you better. Change so you like you better.

Pleased with my tweet, I add a selfie with it.

I go downstairs and Mac points out the window. I'm babysitting Mac while mom and James go out to a wine tasting thing for their wedding.

Someone arrives in a little black car. When they get out, at first I think it's Ethan but nope, Grayson. I open the door a little scared, a little jittery.

"Hey. This is the first time I've met you. Ethan wants me to tell you-"

"Woah, Woah, Woah. He sent you to tell me something?" Wow, he has a lot of balls.

"He doesn't really have a choice. I mean you did block him on iMessages and every other social media account besides twitter..."

"Wouldn't you do the same?"

"Definitely babe."

"Yeah why'd you come here?" cross my arms, "What does he want to tell me?"

"He wants me to tell you to give him on last chance. If he messes up, then you can forget about him and move on. He wants me to tell you because if Ethan came to talk to you, you wouldn't listen." He raises his brows and clenches his jaw, identical to what Ethan did when he got nervous.

"Tell him to go to the park tomorrow morning at 2:00 and tell him to brig money because he is buying me Starbucks." I laugh and Grayson smiles widely and laughs along with me.

"So why are you sing this for him?" I ask.

"He's so miserable without you Allie. It's annoying seeing him like that. He doesn't wanna film vines or anything. He makes a lot of mistakes but that's because he tries so hard not to mess up, he does."

I wake up to my alarm. I roll out of bed and start walking to my bathroom but I stop by my moms room.

"Mum where are you going?"

"Mac! come in here!" mom calls for Mac completely ignoring my question.

"Allie, Mac I'm going to the doctors because I'm pregnant!"

"Oh my gosh! I am gonna have a little brother!" Mac jumps up and down on the bed and I laugh happily.

"Mom when's the appointment gonna end?" I ask hoping for her to say sometime before 2:00 so I can go on my 'date' with Ethan and Mac doesn't have to get a babysitter.

"I'm not sure. Probably around 12:00."

"Ok. perfect! I love you!" I go back into my room and attempt to tidy my pig stye of a room.

I start to get ready at 1:00. I pick out my outfit for this warm spring day and put on my everyday naturalish makeup. I slip on my converse and write a tweet saying:

So many butterflies in my stomach right now. Haaalp 😁🙈

And then another one:

Not butterflies, more like moths.

When I'm finished with hair, makeup and outfit, I look at the time on my phone 1:49.

I run downstairs say bye to mum and Mac, get in my car and drive myself to the park.

Reflections [Ethan Dolan] *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now