Chapter 17: Friends and Foes

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Content warning // homophobia, homophobic slurs, plotting, mention of Alzheimer's disease

"Win?!" Joss asked as the tall stranger picked up his dislodged sunglasses from the floor and didn't even spare him a backward glance and continued on his way, pushing his luggage trolley forward

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"Win?!" Joss asked as the tall stranger picked up his dislodged sunglasses from the floor and didn't even spare him a backward glance and continued on his way, pushing his luggage trolley forward.

Joss furrowed his brows in confusion. Was that really Win? Or did his mind play tricks on him again since he has been thinking of Win earlier. He looked back at the man's retreating form. He was wearing a light brown trench coat and a caramel-colored beanie over his hair while a face mask covered almost half of his face. Joss was only able to catch a glimpse of familiar almond-shaped eyes with light-brown irises.

Joss decided to just shrug it off since the man was already far from him and his flight is about to leave in 30 minutes. He picked up his jacket which was dislodged from his shoulder when the man tumbled into him before going on his way.

Win's heart was pounding hard as he continued to push his heavy trolley past the barriers separating the lane for arrivals and departures. He bumped into Joss of all people! Win thought tersely and felt lucky that he was able to collect his bearings immediately and walked away without confirming nor denying his identity.

Seeing Joss still harms Win. His palms felt clammy and he was sweating despite the frigid atmosphere inside the airport. He was glad that he decided to wear face masks and sunglasses along with the beanie that he took from Bright's closet without his boyfriend's knowledge. It was the best disguise for unexpected meetings like this.

"But what is Joss doing here? Is he going back to Thailand?" Win asked himself as he looked at the crowd of people waiting for the arrival of their loved ones and his heart ached for a person who would have been out in that crowd if only he knew that Win was arriving today.

Win saw a large placard bearing his name being held aloft by a burly man in a long coat and fedora hat. Win inwardly smiled at the unmistakable similarity of the man's outfit to the cartoon character Inspector Gadget. The man finally noticed Win and waved energetically when Win removed his mask and the man recognized him.

"Konnichiwa!" Win inadvertently did a wai before realizing that he was talking to a Japanese colleague now and quickly shifted to the deep bow that the Japanese do. "Watashiwa Metawin Opas-iamkajorn but you can call me Win for short."

"No, problem, Win-san! Watashiwa Masamune Kudo. How was your flight?" the other man said, responding with a deep bow himself. Win smiled kindly at the man before answering.

"Thankfully it was uneventful." Win said simply and the man smiled too before reaching out to the luggage trolley that Win is using.

"Let me help you with your luggage. You can call me Masa by the way." The man said in a friendly tone.

"Okay, Masa-san!" Win said cheerfully.

"We will go to your apartment first so we can leave your luggage there. Then we would go to the office so you can meet everybody, is that okay with you?" Masa said as he tugged at the biggest of Win's luggage as Win held a traveling bag in one hand while a huge backpack was slung over his shoulders.

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