Part 3

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Miss Granada walked in with a brunette girl and smiled while everyone looked over at her

"Everyone this is missy she will be joining you today," She started before pointing to Fast Forward gesturing her to sit next to her, and she immediately sat down.

"Children Thank you all for respecting my rules. Your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behavior..... well done," She finished before walking out

(Wild Card's Pov)

Peter was flirting with Violet and I was furious. Even though we broke up I never fell out of love with her and seeing another guy flirting with her makes me angry and extremely jealous. I know Violet probably doesn't love me anymore but I'm still madly in love with her. I looked at my phone and at an old picture of us that the twins took

 I looked at my phone and at an old picture of us that the twins took

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"I remember that," Violet said from behind me

"Me too," I whispered


Violet and Wild Card were up in his room while the twins and the adults were downstairs and they were being lovey-dovey

"I promise there hasn't been a day that I stopped wanting you and you haven't got out of my head since I met you," Wild Card whispered kissing her

"I fall in love with you more every day," Violet whispered 

The two started kissing and didn't notice when the twins slightly opened the door to return Wild Card's phone. The boys had disgusted looks on their faces and took a picture before placing the phone down on his bedside table.

(End of flashback)

Violet and I smiled before she walked away to introduce herself and Peter to Missy and for Peter to say hi to everyone leaving me to practice my powers.

(Violet's Pov)

Peter and I walked over to the new girl who was talking to Wheels and Noodles and introduced ourselves

"Hi, I'm Violet," I said waving 

"I'm Missy," Missy replied waving back

"I'm Peter," Peter whispered 

Wheels walked around with Missy to introduce everyone with Peter and I following. I noticed Wild Card staring at Peter and me with jealously written on his face but brushed it off as him being jealous that Peter is my other best friend. Tommy was speeding around the room messing around with Billy while he tried to use his magic to stop him 

"Focus," I whispered to him and he nodded

"No fair you helped him, V," Tommy complained while speeding away

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"No fair you helped him, V," Tommy complained while speeding away

"Thanks for the help, sis," Billy thanked 

"No problem," I replied

"And then there's our fearless leader Wild Card...There's not a single power in the world he doesn't have," Wheels explained

"True," Wild Card confirmed

"Sure he has every power imaginable but since he can't focus his energy they show up randomly," Facemaker interrupted putting his hand on his shoulder

"Also true... Until now that is...Teleport!" Wild Card ordered but the book he was looking at caught on fire making me sigh when Guppy put out the fire

"And last but definitely not least Guppy," Wheels told Missy and Peter while I put my hand on Wild Card's shoulder

"Keep practicing and you'll be able to control them soon enough," I whispered and he nodded while I walked off to the twins

"Sis, can you help us advance in our powers we want to be just like Uncle Pietro and Mom," They asked 

"You'll advance over time besides you guys are really good at using them," I answered

"So New girl what are your powers?" Wild Card asked walking towards Missy

"Yeah, uh, So with the whole powers thing," Missy began before Face Maker interrupted her

"Wait for a second... I remember you...You're Marcus Moreno's kid," He said

"Yeah... My dad hasn't gone on any missions for a while... so I've just been chilling with the normal kids," Missy confirmed

"Why would they put a kid with Superpowers in with the normal kids," Wild Card said before he paused in realization

"Oh I get it you don't have any powers," Wild Card finished

"Stop bothering her, Wild. There's nothing wrong with no powers I mean look at Peter and Wheels," I said 

"Hey!" The two boys yelled offended when the Tv turned on and we all walked to our seats

"You know this is an epic Heroic smackdown when they've called in Sharkboy!" The female anchor said while we all cheered

"Earlier today Sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths landing on the beach of South Padre Island," The male anchor finished

"And moments later Lavagirl blasted up from inside an active volcano. She's from the earth's core you know," The female anchor said

(Time skip)

Sharkboy was knocked into a helicopter making it crash"You okay, Sharkboy?" The helicopter driver asked but He was taken before he even had the chance to answer. Meanwhile, Miracle Guy was on a rooftop with the aliens grabbing onto his arms. He tried to fly away but instead was taken by the aliens.

"Oh no. I'm just getting some terrible news. It's almost unimaginable but two of our heroes have been captured by the intruders," The female anchor said while Wheels just sat in shock

"I thought the Heroics were unbeatable," Guppy said

"They are unbeatable it's not over yet," Wheels replied.

It looks like our heroes are fighting among themselves again" The female anchor continued as they showed Rewind and Fast Foward's parents kicking down a door before arguing and getting taken away

"Mom!" "Dad!" yelled the twins looking at each other. Face Maker's dad punched his fist and took down some of the ships

"Go Dad" yelled Face Maker before his dad got taken and Face Maker just looked confused. Rewind used his powers to see when his parents got captured but Fast Foward sped it up.

"I want to see it again," Rewind said

"And I Don't want to see it again," Fast Foward Argued

"Shut it!" I yelled

"And here comes Mrs. Vox to the rescue," said the female anchor as Mrs. Vox used her powers to blast away the aliens until one took her from behind covering her mouth making A Capella gasp quietly

"They took Mrs. Vox!" The female anchor yelled Lavagirl shot lava rocks at the ships but accidentally hit Tech-No

"They got Tech-No!" yelled the male anchor. Wildcard gasped and I hugged him while Lavagirl then got taken as well and Guppy gasped putting her head on the desk

"There goes Lavagirl," said the female anchor

"What is happening? Our heroes are dropping like flies" continued the female anchor as Blinding Fast sped around a ship

"They won't get Blinding Fast. Not him he's too-" Wheels said before he got cut off by Blinding Fast getting captured. Wheels gasped and looked at Slo-Mo who gasped and had a tear slowly rolling down his face.

"It's all up to Marcus Moreno and Scarlet Witch now," The male anchor said

I Still Love you (Wild Card X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now