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Artemis: You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.

Holly: If you made an omelet, I'd expect to find a pile of broken crockery, a cooker in flames, and an unconscious chef. 


Artemis: What do you think Holly would do for a distraction?

Juliet: I dunno, maybe break a window or throw a rock? That's what I would do.  [Building blows up and alarm sounds] ...Or she could do that.


Artemis: What is a hero without a villain? Useless. What is a villain without a hero? Successful.

Holly: So what you're saying here is that we should all be villains.

Artemis: Precisely.


Butler: Please keep an eye on Artemis today. He's going to say something and get himself punched.

Holly: Sure, I'd love to watch Artemis get punched.

Butler: Try again.

Holly: Er...I'll make sure Artemis doesn't get punched?

Butler: Correct.


Artemis: You consider me a friend?

Holly: Sure, what else would I consider you?

Artemis: I don't know, an embarrassment? A way to rebel against your superiors? A desperate cry for help? The list is endless.


Holly: Why are you late?

Foaly: A technical error occurred causing an unexpectedly long bout of unconsciousness.

Holly: Overslept?

Foaly: Overslept.


Artemis: Holly, we tried things your way, and-

Holly: No we didn't!

Artemis: I tried it in my head, and it didn't work.


Artemis: Nothing in life is free.

Butler: Life is free.

Holly: Adventure is free.

Foaly: Knowledge is free.

Mulch: Everything is free if you take it without paying.


Butler: I have to ground you. I am grounding you. You are grounded.

Artemis: What about the mission next week?

Butler: Fine, other than the mission. No computer.

Artemis: My computer is broken.

Butler: Then...no lab.

Artemis: I need my lab to work.

Butler: Then...no...uh...*glances around*

Butler: No Holly.

Holly, flustered: What?! No Holly?!

Butler: NO HOLLY!


Holly: I've got this completely under control!

Root: Is that why everything's on fire?


Artemis: Hey, what if I-

Butler: Don't.

Holly: Don't.

Root: Don't.

LEP: Don't.

Artemis: Wow, okay jeez, I won't.

Artemis: *does it anyway behind everyone's backs*


Opal: And mostly I blame you, Artemis...where's Artemis?

Holly: Remember when you said 'nobody leave' and then turned your head briefly? He left an hour before that.


Holly: Allow me to handle this.

Holly, pointing at Artemis: IT'S FOWL'S FAULT!!!

Artemis: Precisely my thou- What?!


Holly: Hey, in my defense, you left me unsupervised.

Root: We left Major Kelp in charge of you!

Holly: Like I said, unsupervised.


Holly, driving like mad: How do you ACCIDENTALLY ROB A BANK?!?!?!?!

Mulch: I don't know! It all happened so fast!

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! I'll try to get a new chapter out every day, but sooner or later I'm going to run out of memes and will have to make up my own...leave a message on my profile if you have meme ideas!

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