The Visit~ Ch 28

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HEY YALL! Im finally getting a chapter out1 Ok so its not a long chapter because my parents are having a get together today and I have to actually socialize with people- so yeah. I tried my best to have this as a good chapter!

TW: Panick attacks, bullying, blood

Getting Changed- Georges Pov

Me and Karl just got finished having our own little dance party and honestly- probably the best moment of my life. I felt so- sexy and confident. I cant wait to show Dream the outfit I got.

I decide to just put on one of Dreams hoodies and shorts because I really didn't feel like getting dressed up again. While Im getting dressed I hear Karl yell for me in the other room.


"OK GIVE ME A SECOND BITCH!" I finish putting on my hoodie and go into Karls room. I walk in and see that he's having trouble getting his latex bunny off. I start to die of laughter before I start helping him. We finally get the bunny outfit off of him and I leave the room so he can get dressed. I sit on me and Dreams bed and stare at the ceiling. Tomorrow Im going to dinner with Dream... I don't want to get my hopes up but I really hope he asks me out. I know it may seem like a terrible wish but that's all I want. All I want is to be able to hug and kiss Dream without saying "no homo." I want it to be real. But who am I kidding. Hes probably just taking me out for a "friendiversary" or some shit. This whole "me liking Dream" thing is taking over my life. Everything he does just makes me fall even more. There's no way for me to get out of it. There has to be something wrong with me. I cant be liking my best friend. Its not right. And even if Dream and I do date what will my dad think? I haven't seen him in at least 3 years. And if he finds out I have a boyfriend... I don't know what he will do. I have to stop thinking about that. I need to do what makes ME happy and not what makes him happy. Yeah... Thats what I have to do.

I decide to get up off my bed before I start to get lost in my thoughts. Because I always tend to do that which is terrible for me. When I was little I used to get all caught up in my thoughts and it never ended out well for me. Before I knew it Im back down on my bed back in my thoughts.

(flashback starts now)

"Karl!" I push into people to get through the halls of this shitty school. The only people who are keeping me sane are Karl and Niki. I keep screaming for Karl before he finally turns around to look at me. As Im running toward him he runs toward me and we hug each other.

"George! Where have you been Ive been so worried and so had Niki!" Should I really tell him what happened?

"Oh uh, Ive just been sick..."

"Jeeze well you've really scared me!" I just laugh because I don't think Im ready to tell him what actually happened. We finish talking and I head to class. On my way to class I accidently run into one of the most popular guys in school.

"Hey watch where you're going!"

"i- Im sorry I didn't mean to-" I suddenly kicked into the stomach. This pink haired idiot picks me up from the collar of my neck and slams me into the locker. He gets right up in my face and starts to speak.

"If you ever run into me again there will be consequences." He bawls his fist and punches me in the face. He then lets go of my collar and I collapse onto the floor. I can feel blood rushing down my face and right onto my white shirt. I start to cough and notice blood starts to come out of my mouth. I start to cry and curl up into a ball. I couldn't even move. I start to see black and before I knew it, Ive passed out. I start to hear someone faintly saying my name.




(Flash back over)

I quickly sit up and notice that Im still in me and Dreams bed. I look up and see Dream with a worried look on his face. I began to cry and hypervenilate. Dream quickly pulls me into a hug.

"Shhh its okay George." As he's hugging me, we slightly start to sway. My breathing slows down but Im still crying.

"George whats wrong? I walked in and you were crying in your sleep" I sniffle a bit but I don't answer him. I just want to stay silent and enjoy the warmth.

"I-Im s-sorry Dream" I push my face farther into Dreams shoulder blade. He starts to rub my head.

"George why are you sorry?"

"B-because you h-had to come home to m-me crying"

"George I wouldn't be upset at you for that okay?" I nod my head on his shoulder and hug him tighter. My crying finally stops so I look up at Dream. He gives me a slight smile and it warms my heart.

"Thank you Dream."

"Anything for you Georgie" I give him a smile and let go of his torso. We sit I silence for a little bit but then we start to hear something from Karls room.

"S-SAPNAP STOP~" Oh great.

"They seriously are fucking AGAIN!" I laugh at Dreams remark.

"I guess they are. Do you think we can go somewhere so we don't have to hear-" I gesture toward the room. "That"

"Thats exactly what I was thinking." Dream gets up from the bed and puts his hand out to help me get up. I gladly take his hand and we make our way out into the hallway. Before we leave, Dream screams something to the boys.

"SERIOUSLY GUYS!" I giggle and we go downstairs and to his car.

"So Dream, what are we going to do?"

"Eh we will find something."

MMMMMM cliff hangerrrr!!! Anyways, if yall live in America HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! And then tomorrow is pride month!!! AGHHHH!!!! Im gonna be supporting everyone who is part of the lgbtq community because I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! As for the chapter, hope yall liked it! I tried my best <3

{Word Count: 1069}

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