Breaking Point ― Matthew Tkachuk

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Type: Angst and Fluff

Summary: Matthew is always one to swallow his feelings and act as if he's totally okay, but, in reality, even he has a breaking point.

Warnings: Breaking down over exhaustion and other life problems. Very sad Matty. (Y/N's gender is not really mentioned in this)

Throughout your relationship, you don't think you've ever seen or even heard Matt cry

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Throughout your relationship, you don't think you've ever seen or even heard Matt cry. It's not like you haven't seen him sad, or mad enough to the point of possible tears, because you have, yet you have never actually seen him cry. And that is because he's usually one to swallow his emotions and hide his true feelings.

You're very against that whole thing. You hate the fact that he does it automatically and doesn't even see a problem with it.

You've already felt and seen what happens when people bottle up their emotions, and there hasn't been one time where it ended well. Therefore, you don't want that to happen to Matt.

Even though you spend most of your time taking care of stuff for college, you live with your boyfriend, go to his home games, and when not together, you're always texting. So, you're confident when you say that you know that man like the palm of your hand.

You know stuff in the team has been tough. Lately, Matt has been coming back from morning skates absolutely exhausted, to the point of falling asleep right as he sits or lays down and just dragging himself through the hallways of your home throughout the day.

But even with being tired with work, you know something went down with his friends.

For the past 2 weeks he hasn't left the house for his usual Friday and Sunday nights out with the boys, nor do you see him talk to anyone on his phone. You assume that what happened was that they argued and that it was a really bad argument. But even though it is something that all friends go through, as it keeps on going, day after day of radio silence in his friend group, you start feeling awful for him.

You've tried to carefully pull him away from this shell he has been creating, where he doesn't speak that much nor is he as loving as usual. But every time you do that, he just walks away to distance himself from you as if scared to blow up on you with all his overflowing emotions.

So, with that, you've decided to just keep an eye on him at all times possible, and seem as vacant as student-y possible, just so whenever he would need you, you can be there.

You don't push him to talk about his feelings, or even talk at all. Sometimes you do test him by asking for a hug, which he always gives you, and you would be lying if you said that your heart didn't tighten at how long he has been holding you for, lately.

Now, you're sitting on the living room couch, laptop on your lap as you work on a paper that you've decided to do earlier than normal. Matt is out for his morning skate, but he should be almost home.

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