Chapter 1

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Another usual day in Los Angeles, the sun is shining bright with barely any clouds blocking its path. Shelly:"Come on Mayven we've spent enough time at the beach!" I grunted and followed her to the car. Mayven:"Why are you being so bossy." I said slightly annoyed.
Shelly:"Because you know i'm moving back to Oklahoma. Don't you need to be making friends here instead of always bugging me all the time?" Mayven:"Well um... I haven't met anyone that matched up with my energy yet."
Shelly:"That's bullshit but i'll go along with it. I heard someone's throwing a party later tonight" Mayven:"Ok? parties are always happening." i said with a sigh. Shelly:"What im saying Mayven is that we should go, I got us an invite!" I laughed a bit and shook my head. Mayven:"Alright fine since you know my moto."
Shelly:"Also no drinking for you I don't need to bring home a drunkie that's underaged for it."

                 *9 PM Before the party*
I put on a slightly revealing outfit , is it bad? no I mean you only live once so might as well dress the way I want for parties. I finished up my make-up and hair then called Shelly letting her know i'm ready. A few minutes later I heard her car pull up then honk. I hopped into her car and sped our way to the party.
                *Pulling up the the house*
Shelly:"Holy shit this is a huge house, then again it is in the rich side of town." I laughed and I got out of the car. Mayven:"There is a lot of people here though, must be a popular host."  I walked into the slightly crowded party and immediately got hit by the scent of alcohol.  I smiled as I headed for the kitchen Mayven:"I'm sorry Shelly but i'm gonna break the rules just for tonight." I grabbed an entire bottle of alcohol and just started chugging it.

"AYO THIS GIRL CHUGGING IT ALL UP!!!" A random guy shouted. All of a sudden everyone started shouting "chug! chug! chug!" until I chugged the last drop. I out the bottle on the table next to me and threw up my hands i'm excitement and screamed. "watch her for the night" I heard a random guy say. I got confused, why would I need to get watched for the night? A random dude with blonde hair and blue eyes came up to me concerned. ???:"You just chugged an entire bottle of our strongest alcohol you're not gonna be ok." Everything started to feel fuzzy to me Mayven:"Trust me blondie i'm gonna be f-fine!" I said with a smile.
Another dude that had brown hair came up to me also. ???:"Yeah Sam get her to my bed she's gonna be passing out soon." So that's the dudes name, Sam. Sam:"Isnt she gonna have to leave after the party though Colby?" Colby:"Depends if she can even walk later."

I blinked for only a second and I was already in this guys bed with no one in the room. The whole room felt like it was spinning. I tried standing up but it was useless because I would just fall over. I took off my shoes and laid back down on the bed.  "I'm so stupid." I mumbled to myself as I slowly fell asleep.
                               *11 AM*
I woke up and slowly opened my eyes only to get met with a massive headache. "oh fuck" I mumbled . I got up realizing I was in the same room them i looked at myself to realize I had an oversized sweatshirt on along with sweatpants. "Where are my other clothes??" I said getting up. I realized that Colby dude wasn't in the same room. I opened the door and found my way to the living room. I looked over to see Colby asleep on the couch and Sam making breakfast in the kitchen. Sam looked over at me Sam:"You were passed out huh?"

I rubbed the back of my neck and laughed Mayven:"Yeah sorry about that, I kinda crashed at your place without asking."
Sam:"It's fine! You were intoxicated and you wouldn't budge out of Colby's bed anyways."
Mayven:"I didn't mean to fall asleep in his bed I would've slept on the couch." Sam:"Hey no need to apologize, it was expected. I mean it was shocking because this is the first time something like this happened but it's alright!"
Mayven:"Hey by any chance do you know where my clothes are?" I heard rustling from the couch and looked over to see Colby getting up. Colby:"Your clothes are in the washer you spilt juice all over them , i lended you a pair of my clothes." Mayven:"Yeah I can tell." Colby:"Dont catch an attitude now short stuff."
I laughed at him. Mayven:"I should get going I have some plans." Colby:"What about my clothes?"

Mayven:"Here loser! once my clothes are done call me or stop by my house" i tossed with a paper with my phone number and address on it then slipped my shoes on. Sam:"Do you at least want some breakfast! It's french toast!"
Mayven:"No thank you! thanks for asking though!" I walked outside realizing that Shelly drove me here . "Shit." I mumbled to myself. I cant just walk home i live 5 miles away from here. I heard someone walking outside turn around and see Colby. Colby:"Ok ok let me guess. You had a friend drive you here because you knew you would be drinking and that friend isn't here anymore? oh yeah and your phone is dead." I quietly nodded my head. Colby:"No worries i'll take you home." he laughed a bit. We both got into his car and he drove me all the way to my house. When he pulled up I saw an unfamiliar car parked in my driveway. Colby:"you have two cars?"

Mayven:"No, no i don't. I don't even know who's car it is. Anyways thank you for driving me!" Colby:"You sure it's safe to go in your house with that random car being in your drive way? Maybe I should go in there with you to make sure no one is there?" Mayven:"I'm sure i'm gonna be ok. Thanks for being concerned though. Make sure to drop off my clothes later, ok?" Colby:"I will don't worry." He seemed uneasy about something, I ignored it and went to unlock my door but the locks looked like they were broken. I pushed open my door and tried shutting it behind me but it was jammed. I put down my stuff but then I heard shuffling coming from my room. Mayven:"Shelly are you here?!" Suddenly the noises stopped, I heard heavy but slow footsteps heading toward my door. Mayven:"Shelly stop messing with me!"
My heart was beating fast until I heard a gun cock. Mayven:"Hello?!"

The door started to creek open , it opened enough for me to see a tall figure in my room. I let out a scream and ran into my bathroom locking it behind me. A gunshot when off, I looked over to see a hole in my bathroom door. I heard extra footsteps and stuff falling down then my bathroom door slammed open breaking the lock...

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