scp showdown

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As 682 and 096 rushed at eachother 096 was the first one to gain on 682 she soon jumped to the ceiling and dived bombed at 682 but luckily 682 dived to the side as 096 crashed into the ground she created a good size crater along with it as 096 looked soon she took 682 tail head on soon being launched through a wall

"Sorry Hannah we're friends and all but I gotta keep that man alive right now" said 682

As 096 soon burst from the rubble growling at 682 she soon picked up some rubble and threw it straight at 682 luckily for 682 shes able to adapt quickly so 682 grew a second pair of arms she soon pulled a door off near by and used it as a shield from the rubble

But before 682 can get her stance from the rubble thrown at her soon enough 096 tackled 682 and shoved her through a wall soon on top clawing at 682

682 didn't care about the marks 096 was giving thanks to her healing factor so she just grabbed 096 by the throat and tossed her soon getting up and quickly as she did the wounds healed up leaving no trace behind

"Hannah you should know physical attacks don't work on me" gloat 682

As 682 stood there she soon felt a pounding rush through her as she fell to one knee she held her chest feeling herself drained sadly she's still recovering from the fight with (y/n) she's only rocking 80% right now but its slowly chipping away

As she looked up 096 slammed her left claw into the side of 682 skull sending her flying down the hall

As 682 got back up feeling something she touch the side of her face to see a green liquid coming from her skull

"Tch you sneaky little runt" seethed 682

Soon enough the wound healed itself and 682 got back up dusting of the rubble she analyze 096 seeing some bruises herself from 682 standing she might get the upper hand if played right

-back in the hospital room

As 999 handed 049 a scalpel she soon cut into (y/n) cavity trying to fix any internal injuries

"Come on dear dont die on me!" Worried 049

A worried face held over 999 just as well since she's not used to this type of negative energy before cuddles and nuzzles ain't gonna work as she can see all the blood splatter along 049 arms

-mind scape

"Mmmm huh?" Groaned a voice

As it seems the figure got up and looked around to see nothing but darkness around himself

"Aw come on (y/n) got yourself into the mind scape again!" Seethed (y/n)



As (y/n) looked around the darkness he didn't see anyone but heard a voice


Again theres the voice


As (y/n) quickly looked around he soon came to see a figure this figure held in a dark gray cloak not anything else was seen besides long stray hair coming from the hood

"W-who are you" asked (y/n)

As (y/n) watched the figure didn't speak but he did hear a ticking sound coming from the figure like he was a clock?

"He-" said (y/n)

But before he could get a word out suddenly a bunch of black clawed hands grabbed him seeking him deeper into the void as (y/n) fought and struggled it was no use the hands pulled him in

As (y/n) floated there in the air it felt like he was in water or something

"Hahaha...." growled a voice

As (y/n) looked around he soon saw the sky around him turn from a dark black to a blood red and soon enough a giant figure came visible to him

As (y/n) grew worry at the gaint figure he can see the figure smiling at him in a terrifying grin even though he bounds in chains (y/n) knew he held such great power

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As (y/n) grew worry at the gaint figure he can see the figure smiling at him in a terrifying grin even though he bounds in chains (y/n) knew he held such great power

"Look at this my.....son!"growled the figure

"Son!" Thought (y/n)

Last time he knew his father was a normal human man not some gaint tentacle monster thing

"You can't hide from me!" Boomed the figure

Soon enough the figure tried to reach for (y/n) but the chains grew a an eerie blue which seemed to stop him

But before (y/n) knew it again he was pulled again but this time it was back to the world of the living

"Ah what!" Yelled (y/n)

As he looked around he saw he was in a infirmary with both gabby and Mary

"Omg I thought we lost you dear" said Mary

"Ya had one hell of a trip w-where Scarlett?" Asked (y/n)

"W-well you see dear somethings happen and wel-" said Mary


As (y/n) heard a roar he knew who was on the end of that roar so with instinct kicking in he jumped off the table and ran to 682

"(Y/n) wait!" Yelled Mary

But he didn't listen now picking round 2 with 096 be continued

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