Part 1

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AN: Welcome dear readers to one of my first Wattpad stories. These Characters are dear to my heart as they are the subjects of four novels I have written previously. This story is based on a plot I struggled between for the other books. I wanted a chance to explore this twist and still maintain the integrity of the original. 

I wasn't sure where these characters were going to take me in this story but I love where they went. Not every love story is perfect and with out flaws. Nell learns a lot about herself through some pretty difficult things that she faces, and there are people who support her the whole way. Those are the kinds of people I want in my life. 

Try not to judge these lovlies by the first Chapter alone, their story doesn't really start getting good until a little bit later. What would you  do if you were Nell? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Sitting at home wondering what her boyfriend was doing was driving Nell crazy. She hadn't talked to him in a few days and she was getting frustrated with the phone tag. She didn't drive and although he did, he didn't have a car. She tried to picture him at home studying on the rainy Saturday afternoon, but then wouldn't he reply to her messages. 

N: What are you up to? missing you like crazy!  

Nothing but radio silence. She threw her phone on her bed beside her and looked out at the rain and stuck out her tongue and then gave the falling drops the finger. Normally when she was feeling anxious or uncomfortable she ran the track behind her school. 

N: What are you up to? Wanna hang out? 

She texted Charles one of her new friends. She had returned from her summer away a changed person and Charles had noticed. Well, to be honest EVERYONE noticed. Nell had left town an athlete who favoured dark oversized gym clothes and returned as a feminine Instagram influencer. She had not chosen the transformation so much as her sister had tricked her into a luggage swap leaving her with no choice but to be pushed out of her comfort zone. 

C: Always, but it is pouring, what did you have in mind?

N: I have no idea. What is there to do these days?

C: Not much honestly. Movie? 

N: Isn't there something more... something... that we could do?

C: More 'Something'? How do I answer that? LOL

N: You know what I mean something more active, something more... not boring!!

C: Do you want me to take you over to the dojo? You can show me off your...

N: My murder skills? You sure you wont be intimidated?

C: Nah, I think it's hot when girls can kick some ass! ;)

N: Awesome I will be ready in like 47 seconds.

C: well it is going to take me a little longer than that. 

Nell was excited that she was going to get a chance to get over to the dojo that day, in the years past she had been at the dojo almost daily, but since she returned home and her sister was no longer available to drive her, Nell had been at the mercy of her busy mom or best friend Zaiden for rides. In good weather she sometimes even walked, but the cold sheets of rain in the dark grey October afternoon was not very inviting for a jog. 

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