4 sensitive

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It was late at night, kirishima and Bakugou were cuddling in bed. A movie played in the background as soft whispering could be heard from the couple.

Kirishima's hand snaked its way under Bakugou's shirt and he ran his hand along bakugous side, Until finally his hand came to a stop on Bakugou's right "breast". He tweaked and played with the submissive boys nipples making him squirm in his place from the sensitivity.

Kirishima's hand slowly pulled away from Bakugou's perky nipples, that earned a whine from the blonde and Kirishima's hand was pulled back to rest once again on Bakugou's "breast". Kirishima chuckled and continued running his and along Bakugou's sensitive nipples whilst kissing the boys head.

A/N: Hey everyone, look an update! Hahaha anyways i got a keyboard thing that connects to your phone with bluetooth so I'm kinda just testing it out rn.

JJ out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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