kuroken • gay pride (day 1)

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"kenma lets go" kuroo yells in their shared apartment "yeah yeah one second im saving" kenma replied just as he paused his game. after he saves he goes to look in his closet for a sweater, he grabbed a sweater that was kuroo's since it was big and comfortable.

"its almost 20 degrees you'll over heat especially if its a thicker fabric. and you have to bring water too since its hot ou-" kenma cuts him off with a small smile "I'll be fine we're just going out for a bit right?" kenma spoke softly "yeah we are only going out for a bit but please atleast grab some water, i know you're dehydrated and still tired" kuroo said a bit worried still. "I'll go get water and you," kenma turned away to go to the kitchen and paused "you will get your wallet for McDonald's" and he left to get the water.

kuroo chuckled before looking in the pocket of his other jacket grabbing his wallet just as kenma came back with a water bottle "see i have water, will i drink it? find out on the next episode of kodzuken" kenma said as he walked out the door of their apartment. "you'll drink atleast half of it before we eat any chicken nuggets since i know once you eat those and drink pop you wont drink the water" Kuroo said in somewhat of a stern voice.

"i will only do it for the chicken nuggets"

"thats fair, i would too"

and they both walk to a McDonald's while kuroo had the urge to go into the playground area and kenma said no because he didnt want him to be labled as a pedophile. kenma drank his water and ate his chicken nuggets while smiling, kuroo was also smiling at kenma while talking—or maybe ranting—about really anything.

on their way back kenma was walking on the small one step edges, while kenma was a bit distracted kuroo saw a pet store and grabbed kenmas hand "woah-" kenma said as he was unsteady from being pulled of the step unprepared.

"let's go!"

"kuroo where are we going!?"

"you'll love it!"

they both jog (more like kuroo jogs while kenma runs to stay caught up) to where kuroo was going "and here we are" he stopped somehow not oit of breath "how-" kenma heaved and took a few deep breaths in "how are you not dying-" he still was breathing heavily "oh i guess you havent ran very much in a while-"

"im sorry kenma" kuroo smiled sheepishly "it-its fine j-just give me a minute-" he said as he went to sit on the ground against the wall for a few seconds before kuroo joined him in the ground "y'know people are gonna stare at us" he said after sitting "i dont care i still wanna breath" kenma said as he leaned his head back breathing in deeply.

after a few minutes was ready to get up, kuroo got up first and helped him up "okay so where are we?" he said as he looked around the area. "the pet store" kuroo smiled with confidence knowing kenma has been wanting a cat for a while now "kuroo you arent buying me a cat." he said in a slight disbelief. "yes i am" kuroo replied smirking. "well lets go inside" he said grabbing kenma's hand pulling him inside to the cat area.


"choose your cat kenma"

kenma's eyes immediately went to a gray cat, the paper in front of their area said they were only a few months old and that they had some trouble walking but it wasnt a major problem. kenma opened the cage and picked them up, they cuddled right into him "kuroo if we get a cat i want this one." kenma said with a serious face. kuroo chuckles and kneels down to pet the cat "well then lets go get some stuff for them" kuroo said but noticed kenma wasnt listening to anything he said since he was playing with the kitten, kuroo softly smiled before leaving the area to go get the necessities.

he picked up a gray literbox, food, treats, a red collar, and other things the animal would need. after that he went back to kenma who ended up still being entertained by the kitten, kuroo smiled yet again seeing kenma play with them having a great time laughing at how playful the cat is. "kenma, let's go pay for this stuff and adopt the kitten" kuroo said to kenma who picked up the cat after he spoke "lets go mocha" kenma said "you named them already?" kuroo asked after hearing him say 'mocha' "yes and i like them more then you already"

"oh you wound me kenma"

"shut up im dating you"

"you just said you liked the cat more then me"


off they went to the room to adopt them, they signed a piece of paper or two so they can register them into the system, "just put her in the carrier" the cashier said before the two left the store back to their appartment "mocha we're going home and cuddling" kenma pulled up the carrier towards him looking at mocha worried if theyre scared. "but what about me" kuroo asked fake offended "what did i say earlier?" kenma joked "you wanted cuddles" kuroo had a smirk on his face "well-" they both walk into the building and take the elevator to the third floor. imce they walk into the apartment they go to their separate areas so they can deal with the cat stuff.

kuroo put the litterbox in the bathroom and filled it with the powdery substance, after that he went to the kitchen to put water and cat food in the designated dishes. while kuroo did that, kenma had mocha's red collar, it frightened them a bit so afterwards kenma gave them a treat. as it got later kuroo went to pull kenma away from his games for the night before he saw mocha cuddled up in kenma's lap as he played on his switch. "kenma lets go to bed now," kuroo paused as he yawned "bring mocha too" he sleepily smiled at them. kenma put the switch in his (kuroo's) large sweater pocket, and slowly moved his arms to pick up the dear kitten smoothly.

standing up and walking very slowly still not wanting to disturb them, when he got to his and kuroo's shared room he put the kitten near the head of the bed, he sat diwn on the bed leaning back onto the pillows behind him bringing out his switch. kuroo walked in still sleepy, he laid down just to turn his body to the perfect angle to hug kenma's side as he played his games. after some time kuroo ended up staying up so he could make sure kenma slept, it was now one am when kenma out his switch on the bedside table. he lied just right so kuroo would be spooning him, he also brought mocha closer to himself as he closed his eyes feeling the feeling of sleep start to take over his mind.

"i love you kuroo"

"i love you too kenma"

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