kiyoyachi • lesbian pride (day 2)

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kiyoko was planning on asking yachi out for a date, it was a saturday and she didnt have anything to do and wanted to see yachi. she and yachi had been dating for quite a few years now, they had been together since yachi confessed in her second year after kiyoko graduated. kiyoko had turned 24 a few months ago and yachi would be turning 22 soon. they helped eachother with many things. everyone in the volleyball team found their relationship adorable, even tanaka and nishinoya!

she hoped that yachi didn't have anything to do that day so they could hand out. so around sometime in the late afternoon she got ready to go to yachi's home to see her. kiyoko wore a gray tanktop with a yellow overshirt, she put on jean shorts along with some accessories, a necklace that yachi bought her for their second anniversary along with a black backpack. when she got there she knocked just for yachi to immediately answer the door in her pajamas "kiyoko!" she yelled out happily and tightly hugged her. "i missed you" it was muffled but kiyoko understood perfectly "i missed you too" she spoke softly as she pulled yachi closer to her and kissed yachi's head.

"wait," yachi pulled her head back so that she was still hugging kiyoko but she could talk more clearly. "why are you here? you didnt text me about anything- oh no did i forget something important?! what day is it today, is it our anniversary?" yachi frantically spoke as she pulled away grabbing her phone from her pocket to check the date worried that she didnt get anything in time for today. kiyoko slightly giggled and softly spoke again "hitoka you didnt forget anything, i just wanted to see you and take you out on a date"

"oh thank god," yachi let out a deep sigh of relief "i thought i forgot something really important and made you upset" kiyoko gave yachi a peck on her lips and yachi flushed even after its happened so many times. "you could never make me upset hitoka" she smiles at her lovingly "im just worried that just one day i'll mess up so bad that you leave" yachi said looking upset "i already said you couldn't so please try to not worry about that" kiyoko said trying to cheer up her significant other "i'll try my best not to" yachi said determined.

"can you go out today?" kiyoko suddenly asked "or are you busy today?" she said slightly sad. "yep we can go on a date! let me just quickly go get changed" yachi said in a quick voice before running inside "i'll be out in less then 5 minutes i promise!" she yelled out from in her house. kiyoko smiled feeling that she was the luckiest person right now, yachi is perfect, yes she has small imperfections to others but thats what makes her perfect. no one is ever completely perfect but thats whats amazing about people, everyone is different and unique.

"im back!" yachi said excitedly, she was wearing a yellow dress with a black vest covering it, she had black leggings on underneath, she had put on earing that kiyoko got her for valentine's day and a beige looking backpack with black stars. "let's go then" kiyoko smiled lovingly with her eyes closed before grabbing hitoka's hand walking along with her down the sidewalk "so where are we going?" yachi asked, interested in where kiyoko was taking her.

"it's a surprise!"

"i love you but i dislike some suprises"

"but you'll love this one"

"im sure i will"

they walked together hand in hand talking about anything and everything that's been happening. yachi had talked about Kageyama and Hinata who were doing well in their volleyball careers, she had seen them a few days ago when she met up with the other old first years. yachi had looked so happy talking about her friends smiling with every word, telling kiyoko all about what happened. kiyoko had felt like her heart was set on fire. she had fell in love all over again seeing her smile like that.

once they had gotten to their destination kiyoko announced where they where. "welcome to rainbow cakes!" she happily said looking at yachi hoping she atleast liked where she brought her "oh kiyoko, this is amazing! you know i love cake and they all look so pretty!" yachi spoke with pure happiness again, yet again making kiyoko felt like she was in cloud 9 seeing her smile. "let's get your favorite cake flavor and maybe taste some others" kiyoko said happy that she loved it.

yachi immediately said after ordering the strawberry flavored cake that she wanted to pay for it but kiyoko constantly refused to let her pay for it "can i please pay for atleast one? we are getting two or three, arent we?" she said as she pulled her wallet out of her backpack "only one if it makes you feel better" kiyoko said after giving up on not letting yachi pay, knowing that she wouldnt win that. "it really doesnt make me feel better," she said relieved that she didnt make her lovely girlfriend pay for everything that day. "so what would you like to order with the strawberry cake?" the cashier said lightly smiling "oh! im so sorry about that-" yachi apologized. "kiyoko what would you like?" she asked her "i say we should try a red velvet cake if you would like to" kiyoko said looking up at the flavors "i actually really like red velvet cake too! so we'll get that with the other cake" she told to cashier.

"would that be all today?" the cashier asked the couple, yachi looked at kiyoko as if she was telepathically asking her if they were done. kiyoko softly smiled and nodded to yachi "yep thats all, thank you" yachi replied to them before kiyoko quickly switched spots with her so she could pay before hitoka disagreed and stopped her from doing so. "babe you said you'd let me pay for one" yachi spoke slightly upset that kiyoko payed for it all before realizing she had called the older one babe in public unintentionally. "kiyoko im so sorry that was a compl-!" the cashier cut her off before she could continue "its fine! they're your significant other and others' opinions shouldnt matter if they are negative. please dont feel like you need to apologize for saying things to your loved one" the woman said to her looking completely honest. "thank you so much" kiyoko said happy that they didnt get judged for who they loved.

"yes, of course! please feel welcomed here any time you want! this is an lgtbq plus friendly place!" the cashier said once again, "if anyone makes any upsetting comments about you two dating in here, please tell me or any of the other employees, we dont want anyone to feel unwelcomed here because of them"

"yes thank you! we'll come by some other time too!" yachi said feeling even more happy now. "your cakes should be ready soon, please take a seat." they said "okay thank you again" yachi said once again. after a few minutes of talking again on of the employees came by to give them their cakes "you guys make an adorable couple bye the way" he smiled at the two. they thanked him and ate their wonderfully made cakes, they talked about their preferred cake flavors, yachi's favorite cake flavor is strawberry and kiyoko's is a mixture of chocolate and strawberry. once they finish the confections the two said goodbye to the welcoming employees both silently agreeing that they'd definitely come back again soon. they went to a mini cafe down the street from the cake shop to get some tea, yachi got some peppermint tea and kiyoko got jasmine tea.

after their tea trip they walk to a nearby park and walk around for a bit before going to the benches as the sun was starting to set. yachi sits down and kiyoko stays standing looking like she has something on her mind, yachi was about to ask her what was wrong before kiyoko started to speak "hitoka yachi, the love of my life." kiyoko starts and kneels down "i love you so so much, all your imperfections make you even more perfect to me" she continues to speak to her loved one "every thing you do makes my heart flutter, my heart been, and my body feel light as a feather." she keeps on going then takes a deep breath in preparing herself as she pulls put a box with a ring in it. "will you marry me?" she holds her breath waiting for the answer.

"yes! yes of course i'll marry you! i love you so so much kiyoko!" hitoka says tearing up about it all when kiyoko puts the pink gemstone, silver ring on her finger. the blonde leans forward and hugs kiyoko tightly again before both of them fall onto the ground, hitoka laughing and crying in pure happiness. kiyoko was smiling like an idiot for how this amazing day had went. "now you cant- cant get rid of me!" yachi yelled still crying a bit but laughing as she wiped her tears. "i wouldnt either way, i love you too much to!" kiyoko laughed slightly tearing up too.

"stay with me forever"

"i will no matter what."

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