You saved me..

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           Chapter 1

George's POV:
It was morning when I got woke up by my father barging into my room making me jump from the scare.

"Honey! Today is the day you get to pick your future wife!" He exclaimed.

I sighed as I hadn't told my father I was, well.

If I tell him I'm gay I'll lose my place in the royal family throne..
I thought to myself.

I got up and walked over to my closet.

“Suit or no..”

I took the dark blue suit off the hanger and put it on.

“Honey, the beautiful young women are here!”

I sighed and left my room walking towards the the main room trying to act formal.

Once I got into the main room I saw young women in beautiful big dress's.

*Few moments later*

Only two women were left,

the first with beautiful long blonde hair along to match with hazel eyes.

The second one with short red wavy hair to match with her dark red eyes.

I looked at my father and then back to the girls infront of us and said.

“I'm sorry.. Alice”
I said with a sigh and watched the blonde girl run away almost in tears.

The red haired girl smiled.. not a normal happy smile..
It was more of a “you're gonna regret this” kind of smile...

I walk over to the young women and held her hand and we walked over to my father.

“Your wedding is gonna be in 2 days go get ready.”

I looked at her and we walked over to her room.

*A few hours later*

I should to sleep considering we only have a short few day for our wedding..

*in the morning*

I wake up to my soon to be wife folding my morning clothes on the end of my bed.

“Good morning my love!!”
She said.

I didn't say a word I just smiled and nodded my head.

I got up and walked over to my counter and realized that my vitamins were gone.

I asked Cali
“Did you move my vitamins?”

She nodded and pointed to my bathroom while fixing my bed.

*A few hours later*
(I'm lazy ok?)

At dinner I was eating and then my future wife started talking to me asking me.

“So love, do you want to go on a midnight walk tonight? I heard it's gonna be a beautiful night!”
She exclaimed.

I looked at her and just nodded not wanting to hurt her feelings.

After dinner we went to my mother's garden.

We were walking for a while and then she stopped walk and pull me closer.

I got nervous cause we were very close more then I wanted.

She got closer only to pull out one of our knives from the kitchen.

She tried to stab me but before she could a man yelled at her,
I looked over and saw a tall man running towards us and before I knew it I was being held by a tall dirty blonde man with beautiful shining emerald green eyes along with freckles over his face.

He took me to my father and told him what the young women tried to do.

Not long after the young red haired women was being held in chains screaming as if she was the victim.

*Few minutes later*

I was in my room still shocked and scared of what just happened,

Just then the beautiful tall man walked into my room and started to ask if I was ok and if I wanted comfort.

I nodded still having some tears dropping from my face.

We were talking for a while and then out of nowhere he grabbed my face.

I started blushing at the sudden movement.

He asked me in a deep voice if he could and I just nodded.

He got closer to my face and kissed me,
He soon pulled away and said.
“I know we just met but.. you really are cute..~”
He said still holding my face close to his and that just made me turn a light shade of pink,
he noticed that I was blushing and giggled, he got up and left leaving me still surprised by his act..

I'm sorry that this is short and a little weird even though this is the first chapter.
I don't know how to write so these chapters may be weird or horrible.
Thanks for reading though!
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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