Lesbian Love part 4

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I texted Holly that i was on my way to Bianca's . I went to Bianca's dorm and she pulled me towards her.

"I'm glad you came."

"Me too." I kissed her neck, then moved up to her soft lips. He pushed me onto the bed and began tearing off my clothes. Her sexy fingers rubbed my pussy and then, as she was eating me out, Holly walked in.


"Holly, it's not what you think!"

"You don't have to explain anything. We're over."

Wow, Holly was really convincing. Bianca didn't even chase after her either. She just sucked my nipples and acted as if none of that even happened.

"I've got a surprise for you." Bianca opened the top drawer in her nightstand and pulled out a dildo. She shoved it in me and fucked me hard. I screamed and squirted all over her face.

"Bianca, I have to go. But I'll be back."

"Bye GiGi. I'll miss you."

"Holly!! We did it!"

"So, now me and you can be together."

"Well, actually I don't know."

Holly still hugged me and then she said she was going to the library.

Now it's just me, all alone. This gives me some time to think.

'My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and their like, it's better than yours' Ugh who is calling me!


"Hi, Gina, it's Jackson."

"Oh, uh, hi. What's up?"

"Nothing really, I was just wondering if you wanted to go grab some lunch or something?"

"Jackson, it's 7:30."

"Oh, uh, sorry. Well, what about dinner?"

"Okay. Will you pick me up?"

"Yeah wait outside and I'll be there in a few."

Jackson took me to O' Ryan's and we had a delicious dinner. Though, we kept getting comments like "You guys are such a cute couple!" and things like that.

"Is it okay if we go back to my place?"

"Yeah." He better not try anything sneaky.

Oh no, Brandon's here. I sat on the couch between them and Brandon put his arm around me. Jackson is way too nice to say anything.

"Jackson, I'm gonna go. It's getting late."

"Okay, I'll see ya around then."


Brandon stood up and I hugged Jackson. Brandon opened his arms. " I'll drive you back." we walked out and his arm was around me. In his car he leaned over and kissed me.

"You don't really like Jackson do you?"

"Yeah I do. But I like you too."

"I like you too." I kissed him again and then sat on his lap. The horn honked and I jumped.

"Do you want to come over tomorrow?"

"Maybe I will." I rubbed my hand down his face then down his shirt. I could feel his abs then I shut the door and walked in.

Why do things have to be confusing. It's almost like I'm dating two people, Bianca and Brandon. Actually maybe Jackson too. The question is who do I like more?

I open the door to Holly crying on the floor naked.

"Holly what's wrong! What happened!"

"D-D-D- Daniel came in and and and he r-r-raped me. I couldn't do anything." I hugged Holly and wiped away her tears.

Daniel Thomas, you better watch out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2011 ⏰

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