time to leave or time to stay

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Friday had plans. His father's death had put an end to them rather abruptly. Even after a week he was still in a state of indecision. Does he stay in his falling apart home where the smell of death lingers. Does he return to the city where the smell isn't much better but he can at least get away from the horror. Does he stay and try to fix the house. Does he leave to find a new home. Should he inform the appropriate authorities about the situation. Would anyone even care. Should he just leave without saying a word. 
Friday had already messed up. He had sat with the body for days. He had buried him. Even if he wanted to tell people what had happened he doubted they would believe him. The people in town had shunned dan. He felt their gazes on him. A silent apprehension when addressing him. Dan had it worst. People would glare at dan for bring the devil child to their town. He was even banned from the local pub because of all the gossip.   

Dan had treated him so kindly. The townsfolk never said a word to Friday but it was clear as day that he was unwelcome, he was too strange in every way possible. His bright red hair, his big green eyes and his larger than life body that just seemed to grow faster than people his age. His mere presence made even the toughest people uncomfortable. Friday tried his best to look as small and as non threatening as he possibly could. Instead it just created more anxiety to the people around him. Eventually he gave up. He grew accustom to being alone or in the presence of dan.

Friday decided that it was best to leave the town's people in the lurch. They never cared. They actively shunned him. Both of them.

With his mind made up he packed away the keepsake that belonged to dan and himself. Dan had always made his wishes clear to Friday in the event of his death. Take the deed of the house. Keep it safe. It was given to Friday as an 18th birthday present. They agreed that Dan would spend his whole life in that home. And so he did.

He needed to leave. As much as he loved the place he needed distance. He couldn't deal with it right this moment. Friday made a few last minute repairs so it wouldn't be completely trashed by the time he was ready to go back. He made one final inspection and locked up. He made his way back to the city after a hellish week. He was finally able to smell something other than death.

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