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Techno's birthday is today so i'm writing a one shot to celebrate it cus it's one of the only things i'm necessarily good at :)

(Some things won't be entirely accurate but it's to suit the vibe, just go with it plz and thanks)



King of Blood they called him.

Despite his long, braided, dusty-rose colored hair that made him seem sweet and innocent, the man could wipe out an entire nation with just the swing of his axe.

Towns people had many different opinions; some said he would hunt down parents and then murder their children, others thought he was just a very caring and misunderstood man, watching over a young boy merely the age of 16 yet as chaotic as a 5 year old. Some people smiled at him as he walked down the street, others cowered in corners clutching their children in fear.

But, he was simply a man. He may be able to wipe out masses of men without even trying, but he still had emotions, he still cared, still loved.

His favourite thing in the world though? His family.

Phil, the older brother who made sure everyone was in check, made sure minimal injuries ensued, the eldest by quite a bit at the age of 28. He loved everyone, no matter what they'd done he simply loved them, cared for them, cried when they died and cheered when they pursued in life. The man had medium golden hair and blue eyes. Many have spoken of them being diamonds, because of their fascinating color. He always wore a green cloak with a green striped hat; and, along with all of that, a smile. A smile to draw you in, a smile to show you that everything was alright, or at least would be, a smile to brighten the days of everyone on the Earth. Tales that were told to children said he had wings made of an unbreakable substance no one had ever seen before, he could save anyone no matter what situation they were in.

Wilbur, the King's twin brother, aged 24. The two were both very, very different, practically complete opposites, but both had one thing in common, one belief that drew them together, war. War, blood, chaos, the lot. Never mind that though, Will's gorgeous brown locks and matching brown eyes made him the best looking man in town (which could be considered the biggest understatement ever to be spoken). He was the tallest of the 4, a good couple inches taller than them; a good bow shot and quite a flexible body made him one of the best fighters out there (behind his older brothers that is) and a force to be reckoned with. He was the leader of their Royal army, great at planning ahead, knowing the weaknesses and strengths. He was also quite nice with everyone, but mess with him and he wouldn't be as forgiving as his oldest brother.

Tommy, the youngest and definitely most chaotic of them all. He had the same features as his older brother, golden hair and blue eyes. But his hair was cut short and out the way, his eyes not as blue as the sky and more-so on the gray side. His looks didn't stop him from being the happiest man on the planet, he was genuinely given an award that said 'Happiest Man' made by the King of Blood himself. Women still fell for him though, just because he wasn't the most good looking didn't mean he wasn't ugly, third best good-looking at the worst. He had forever complained about that, wanting to find number 2 to "kill him" and become second best, he knew he couldn't over throw his older brother but second would be good enough for 16 year old Tommy. He wasn't the best at fighting, so he stuck with helping any way he could in the city, in towns and villages that surrounded them and their territory. Everyone loved him, he was friends with everyone as his laugh could be heard for miles, yet no one was mad about it as it only made them smile. The prince claimed he was amazing at acrobatics at a young age, yet never was, so they hired classes for him; now, he could climb any building, any wall, any mountain with style and grace. Sounds like a ballerina to be honest, and it kind of was, which only made it better for everyone. The blonde was also relatively decent at cooking, he kind of had to be. Left alone at the castle when his people were at war meant he had to make his own food to survive by himself, yet he stayed cheerful throughout and was hardly ever seen with anything less than a grin on his face.

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