Chapter 3

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A/N: I am so sorry i haven't updated! I've been so busy with school wrapping up and going to my brothers baseball games, life has been hectic but here's your update! i hope you like it! Comment any story idea you have that i should include! Full credit goes to you if I choose your idea! This chapter is going to be more Maya/Riley/Farkle. I thought it would be a good idea to include some fun friend time. There is some Lucaya cuteness at the end though!

*Maya's Pov* 

It had been a month since I had finally caved in and let Riley move in with me. It had also been  a a month and a half since I've been watching Laila. Riley was currently helping me throw away any junk I had in my house that I didn't need. Most of it was old medicine containers or Grammy's clothes. "Peaches, why don't we take a break? You look exhausted and I think it's time to go get some lunch." Riley offered, standing up and brushing the dust off her clothes. I smiled and nodded. "I think that's a great idea. Let me go get my shoes on and I'll be ready." I said, walking into my room and selecting a random pair of sneakers. I put them on as quickly as I could and walked out to meet Riley by the door. 

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded, taking my keys of the peg. Riley walked out to call the elevator while I locked the door. "Maya?" Someone asked. "Oh hi BillyBob." I said, putting my keys in my purse. "Any chance you could watch Laila this afternoon? I have to paint her room today and I don't want her inhaling any toxic fumes." Lucas asked. "Oh sure. My friend and I will be home from lunch around 12:45. I'll be happy to steal her from you." I said, smiling at the relief that shone on his face. "Thank you so much! I don't know how'l I'll ever repay you." Lucas smiled, before waving goodbye. 

"Peaches! The elevator's here!" Riley yelled as I walked up to her. "Great! Let's go!" I said, walking in. After Riley pressed the lobby button, she turned to me with a mischievous smile plastered on her face.  "What?" I asked. "Who was that?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Just my neighbor, Riles. He asked if I could watch Laila again. He's painting her room and doesn't want her breathing in anything she shouldn't. She's going to be at our apartment at 1." I said. Riley froze. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. "You said 'Our apartment'. Peaches! I've waited so long to hear you say that!" Riley said, hugging me tightly. I laughed and returned the hug as the elevator came to a stop and the door opened. "Where to?" I asked. "Hmm, good question. How about..The Nighthawk Diner?" Riley asked. I smiled. "Sure." 

We had arrived to the diner and just sat down when a familiar face walked in. "Farkle!" I yelled, standing up and running over to him. "Maya! Oh my god!" He said, hugging me the tightest  anyone has ever hugged me. "I've missed you." I whispered. "Aw, M. Don't cry." Farkle said leading me back over to my table. Riley smiled. "Hi Hon." Riley said giving Farkle a peck on the lips. "I see our surprise went well." Farkle smiled. I laughed. "I knew something was up." Farkle and Riley chuckled. "Why were you so surprised, Fark?"I asked. "Because Riley said there was a small possibility you wouldn't come." He answered. I smiled and shook my head. "When it comes to this specific diner, I'll always come."

We ordered and continued to talk. I, of course, got the tuna melt sandwich. Riley got chicken fingers and fries and Farkle got a cheeseburger and fries. "Remind me how long you've been dating?" I asked. "1 year." Riley said. "I'm sorry guys. I know I should know thi-" "No, Maya. You've been through hell in the last year. It is not your fault that you don't remember, okay? With everything happening, our anniversary wasn't the top thing on your mind, and that's okay." Farkle said, reaching over the table and grasping my hand. I nodded, the tears I was holding back, now falling freely down my face. 

"Peaches, you need to stop beating yourself up about these things. Farkle is right. Our anniversary wasn't the main thing on your mind at the time. So much has happened and so much has changed for you. It's okay." Riley said, coming to the other side of the booth to hug me. I laughed softly. "I miss this." I said. "I know you do. We do too. That's why I'm coming over later to help you move Riley in." Farkle said. I smiled and wiped my tears. Our food had arrived and we dug in. 

We left around 12:35 to walk back home. I needed to clear out a space in my living room for Laila to chill in, before Lucas dropped her off. "Farkle, my neighbor is dropping off his sister at our apartment at 1. I'm watching her for him while he works on her room." I said, as we walked into the apartment. "Whew, Riley wasn't joking when she said this place was a work in progress." Farkle said, looking around seeing a couple of boxes and trash bags. "I know. I'm going to take the trash down. Riley, why don't you and Farkle take your boxes to your room?" I asked, picking up the trash bags. "Sure, Peaches." Riley said as I walked out. I ran down the stairs and threw the trash bags in the dumpster outside. I walked back up the stairs and into my apartment. "Wow!" I sighed. In a matter of minutes, the living room was completely cleared out. The little area in the corner where Laila plays/sleeps, was organized, the boxes were gone and it was clean for the first time in weeks. 

"This looks great!" I said to Farkle who had just walked out of the hallway. "I know. And just in time." He said as my door rang. I smiled and opened it, seeing Lucas and Laila. "Hi!" I chirped. "Hi, thank you so much." Lucas said, handing me the diaper bag. "It's not a problem. Here, come in." I said. "Riley is in her room, unpacking her stuff. Farkle's helping her but they said they'd be in there while I watch her." I said. Lucas nodded, placing Laila down in her little swing. "I can't thank you enough for helping me with her this last month. You really are an amazing friend." Lucas said. That hit hard. I had gotten to know Lucas better and ended up having a crush on him.   "Oh, yeah. You're a great friend too." I said, fighting tears. 

"Um, yeah. I'll go start her room. I should be back by 3."Lucas said rather awkwardly. I nodded, watching him walk away. "Wait Lucas!" I yelled, quickly walking after him. "Yeah, Maya? Is something wron-" I cut him off by kissing him. I felt him kiss back immediately. I wrapped my hands around his neck and I felt him wrap his hands around my waist. I pulled away, a smile on my face. "There. Everything is fine now." I said. Lucas smiled and kissed me again. This time with more passion. We stood there kissing for a few more seconds before he left. "Alright, peanut. Ready to have some fun?" I asked Laila, earning a little smile and giggle.  

A/N: Again, sorry I haven't updated but here it is. let me know what you think. I'll have another update up by tomorrow or thursday. comment any ideas for this book! 

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