chapter six

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Chapter Six

Charlotte's P.O.V

They are so close behind but there is no way they can stop me, wait why am i slowing down? Shit! I'm out of gas. The truck started to slow down and i stoped it in the middel of the road, my only chance was to run, fat lot of good that would do me they were the ones with a van full of gas. The van had stoped a few meters away from me, i jumped out of the truck and faced them, no way am i taking my eyes off of them.

Jason jumped out of the truck and took a couple of step's forward, "why'd you stop?" he looked confused, "out of gas" i laughed nerviously, i thought i saw his lips twitch for a second like he wanted to smile but it soon disappered leaving his face unreadable. "Get in the van charlotte" he ordered, "no" i most of said so quietly it was almost a wisper, "i don't have time for this, get in the van!" he demanded, i shook my head and took a step back, that's when he raised a gun at me.

"Don't make me shoot you" he yelled, i thought i heard a hint of sadness in his voice but i blocked it out, "do it" i dared him, i don't care anymore i just want all of this to stop. BANG! A shering pain whent through my shoulder, i placed my hand over the wound and felt the sticky blood instantantly, my eyes moved from justin over to timothey who was leaning out of the window holding a smoking gun, the ba***rd shot me. I felt my knees go weak and the ground started to move closer to me but just as i was about to hit it two strong arms warpped around me and slowley lowered me to the floor.

I looked up and saw justin looking at me, his eyes full of worry, "it w-wasn't-t me-e" he stuttered, "i know, just go" i groaned as a shock of pain whent through me, "i can't leave you" he wispered, "the cops are coming just go" i said staring into his caramel eyes, and thats when he leaned in and softly kissed my lips, it was only for a second and he pulled away, my head started to buzz, what was happening to me, i just wanted it all to be okay, but this was life and nothing ever goes right. "Go" i wispered and he layed me down in the road and ran off, i staired at the van as it disappered into the distance, when it was at a safe distance i dragged myself over to the truck, and pulled my self in, i may have only been shot in the shoulder but it stung like a bitch.

 I looked around the truck and found a small hand gun, fat lot of good that was going to do me now, then i found a cell phone, i dialde a number and held the phone to my ear,

"hello?" the voiceon the other end ansewed

"NICK! it' charlotte ahhh" i groaned with pain.

"Charlotte, whats happend, where are you?"

"Im on a highway about a mile out of the city, in a blue truck, timothey jhonson shot me" i groaned feeling suddenly dizzy.

"we are on our way, were's jason?" he asked concered

"he's... he's gone" my shoulder burned with pain and i fell into darkness.

Three month's later

I was released from hospital, a couple of weeks ago, i had lost a lot of blood before the cops turned up, everyday i would ask sara if there was any new on jason, every know and then somthing would pop up, but it was soon clear he was out of the country, proberly plotting revenge with timothey, i spent a lot of time wondering about the kiss, did he mean it or was it just for a joke, the more i thought about it the more it annoyed me so i decided to start a fresh, i even got a job with my best friend from school her name was sophie, and we had started to become teen models, as my stay with sara started to look more perminate.

Jason's P.O.V

I got up off the bed and pulled on my pant's, i felt her arms warp around me "jason, do you really have to go" she moaned trying to pull me back onto the bed, "sorry, anita but i have to" i smiled at her and grabbed my shirt, "will you come back tonight?" she asked pulling a puppy dog face, this girl was starting to get annoying, "i don't know" i snapped and walked out of the door, i put on my jaket and pulled up the hood, i crossed the street and when i reached the other side of the road the house i just left blew up, i smiled and kept on walking. She was getting to clingy and she knew to much, at least i got her credit cards, i smiled to my self as i pulled them out and walked over to a cash point, i took all the money off the cards and legged it before security came out. I had done this about three times know, my motto was hump em then blow em sky high.

Timothey and i had made a lot of money doing this and were know pretty well off, i even owned a house in mexico, it was right on the beach and far away from everyone so i was never disturbed, i had been planning for months to get my revenge on the csi's, timothey had been trying to make better bombs he would drive out into the desert and test the mout, we had didn't stay in the same place together and only met up occasionly, other wise people might start to notice who we were.

I walked down the steet, i was in califronia and planning on making my way back to mexico and lie low for a while when i over heared a couple of boys talking, they were staring up at a billboard, "wow i would like to know what she's like in bed" one of them laughed, "proberly a tottal slut, i would love to make her bed rock" the other groaned and they walked away, i looked up at the billboard and felt my heart skip a beat, no it can't be i tried to froget about her but there she is, i staired at charlotte smiling at, her skin was golden brown and her dark eyes sparkled out of the picture, she was laughing and holding her hair up so it fell down messily, she was advertising some moisturiser for teenage girls, and she had never looked more hot! Maby it's time i whent back and sayed hello.


uh oh wats jason going to do, and how will charlotte react when she see's him, comment and vote plz,  write again soon. xxxx

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