Chapter 28

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January 2nd, 2021. 11 o'clock, UTC + 7, Thailand time zone.

"Let these hideous monsters sleep with their dummies." Fiat came to Type's house and talked to Type.

Tharn was absent at the moment, so Type was defenseless in front of Fiat.

"I'm getting sick of the undead. They're just pure evil. I heard that one of them nearly ripped Sarawat into pieces when he accidentally bumped the face of his partner. It's so stressful." Fiat complained.

"At least we have escaped. I eavesdropped on that long-haired violinist freak one day. I saw Saifah accidentally spilling a cup of milk onto the violinist's gown, and the result was that the violinist strangled him with his creepy long hair. I thought the violinist would snap Saifah's neck." Type said.

"Finally, we're out here safe and sound. Anyway, I have a crush on Leo." Fiat said with a big grin.

Then Saifah came.

"What a lucky guy I am. If Zon didn't save me, I would have died under Antonio's hair tentacles. He assaulted me with his hairy tentacles. Oh dear." Saifah said.

"Me too. I nearly bled to death with that phantom photographer piercing my chest. He went really violent and attempted to kill me after mating with me. I don't know what makes him so demented." Dean came.

"William Wilson?! That ghostly photographer with black cracks and ashy color covering him from head to toe?! He's the most handsome guy of the undead bunch, but he's the most demented one. Second only to Jack The Ripper." Type said.

"Jack The Ripper is now a criminal transcended into a supernatural horror. I saw Pharm slashed into ribbons in front of my eyes when Jack was making love with him. My lovely boy, he does not deserve such a mistreatment like that. I rescued Pharm from the psycho killer, and healed him. Pharm cried in my arms and I got the resolve to rebel against Jack." Dean told his story.

"And you told your friends to escape?" Fiat asked.

"Yeah. Together we escaped from the bad guys. But they didn't even bother catching us again. I thought they would spare us that time to wait for the perfect chance to kill us." Dean slightly sweated with terror as he continued talking.

"I stayed behind after you left. You know what I did to appease the undead folks? I hastened my research to make the clones created from the genetics of you guys obedient to the undead villains while bringing them to camps. I experimented with methods for males to give birth to offspring after mating, and the undead loved the results. At the same time, I allowed the undead to mate with me. I endured every pain and pleasure." Fiat said.

"These guys are really hideous and evil. I let John Haigh the acid killer impregnate me with his seeds as a part of the experiment. It hurts me very much when his zombie body got into contact with me. But I managed to give birth to an embryo which was then proved to be a clone of myself. It was a success." Fiat continued.

"So we have gone through this misery together." Saifah wrapped his arms around Dean and Type.

"Fiat, we have escaped the inferno together. Together we will design our own lives of bliss and pleasure in normalcy." Type dragged Fiat into the group gathering.

"Then we will create a brainwashing machine with can be safely used under a wide range of time limits as long as it does not interfere with our daily lives. Together we will play the game of fluff and bliss." Fiat smiled.

January 12th, 2021. 11 o'clock, UTC + 7, Thailand time zone.

After building the prototype of fluffy blissful machine, the boys made a test run. Sarawat sat into the seat of the machine, and Tine activated the head clamp. The machine made a slight breeze and made Sarawat relaxed, even more than the one used by the bad guys. It gave no physical pain to Sarawat. The machine has a time limit to prevent straining the body. Fiat dubbed the machine as the "comforting chair machine", as it required no pressure to inflict pain on the target and did not utilize any method using pain. Instead, any attempt of resistance were quickly tranquillized by smooth vibrations into the ears to reduce resistance.

But the blissful event did not last long.

January 12th, 2021. 17 o'clock, UTC + 7, Thailand time zone.

Nubsib was abducted.

The culprit of the case was not Fiat. It was somebody else. When it came to light, the culprit responsible for Nubsib's abduction was not a stranger.

After Nubsib woke up, he found himself in a run-down hospital, limbs bound to a metal stretcher with nothing on his body. Then he found his own muscular body attached to several wires sending electrical jolts into his sensitive parts. Even his head had electric nodes affixed onto it, countless of them. Whoever made this experiment must had been extremely insane. After blinking his eyes several times, Nubsib finally made sense of his situation. Standing in front of him was Tybalt. He didn't have the same pale skin with black veins covering its entirety. He had become a human in the outer shell, while his supernatural abilities as an undead were vastly improved.

"Release me now!! Stop speaking nonsense!!" Nubsib yelled his throat out.

Tybalt gave a sadistic smirk at the naked and bound Nubsib, while his own nudity flabbergasted Nubsib. Tybalt activated the switch. An electric current ran through Nubsib's spine and shocked him with an agonizing jolt.

"ARGHHHH~~!!! NOOOOO~~!!! OOOWWW!!!" Nubsib yelled with maximum volume until he was physically drained and limped on the chair.

Tybalt let the electric current run through Nubsib's body from head to toe, while gleefully watching his suffering with a sadistic smirk. Two minutes later, Tybalt turned off the generator connecting all the wires and nodes. It was revealed that Nubsib was about to be killed instead of being brainwashed, and then he would be brought back to life as a zombie.

"Do you know the problematic event after your human death? Your corpse will get reanimated as an addition to my undead army. I have countless of human clones created from your genetics. I expose them to various experiments and make them my toys. When they are no longer useful, I simply recycle them in many ways. If they're seriously injured beyond repair and are nearly dead, I make those humans into mutants and cyborgs. If they're dead, I reanimate them. When these fails, I cook them up and eat them like animal meat. You can't ever imagine the deeds I have done when you were absent. I'm not the only one in this career." Tybalt blurted out his boasts at an unconscious Nubsib, whose body had been limp and paralyzed because of the electric current.

Even after becoming a human being, Tybalt's personality was not even better, while his insanity went beyond control. He continued to throw his gloating tone at his unconscious captive: "It's the second time I become human. I have many kinds of games with your body when you die. but for viewer discretion, I'd rather not say them out loud."

The run-down hospital was deserted for decades, and nobody had ever procured it. The furniture and equipment were mostly outdated. Only a bloodthirsty psycho and his unfortunate victim were seen in the haunting hospital.

January 12th, 2021. 18 o'clock, UTC + 7, Thailand time zone.

Still, Tybalt was dehumanizing and emasculating an unconscious Nubsib by violating him. By the time Nubsib woke up, Tybalt was about to leave and imprison him alone in the deserted hospital so that he would rot and die there. It turned out that Nubsib wasn't dead yet, he was only incapacitated. When the door was locked, Nubsib was left alone in the hospital.

"Hey!" Nubsib heard a voice calling out for him.

It was Sarawat, who had sneaked into the deserted hospital and arrived to rescue Nubsib. Right after bringing Nubsib out from the hospital, Sarawat took him onto his car and drove him home before leaving on his own.

January 22th, 2021. 18 o'clock, UTC + 7, Thailand time zone.

The entire undead battalion never showed up anymore, because they made a hasty retreat to their home realm. This included murderous immortal entities and formerly human serial killers converted into undead, such as Jack The Ripper, The Headless Horseman, the Acid Bath Killer, the Inquisitor and so forth. They took away all the evidence of their crimes and inhumane experiments along with them, leaving nothing behind. But the legacy of controlled brainwashing for increaing pleasure was left by them in spite of being unintentional.

March 22th, 2021. 8 o'clock, UTC + 7, Thailand time zone.

The concept of brainwashing machinery became a distant past, since they were considered too bulky for usage and inefficient in the long term as it did very little to create effective connections and relationships, let alone being improving romance.

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