Chapter Three: Within a Moment

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        "Well ladies and gentlemen, that concludes this year's convention! Thank you ALL for coming, and we hope to see you next year!" The speakers crackled and went quiet as the convention drew to a close. It had been a hectic week, full of panels on nearly every topic. All week, buried just beneath the surface of my conscience there was a nagging thought, a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was coming. I had done my best to ignore this feeling, telling myself not to worry, that it was just me being nervous. Now, with the possibility of a conversation looming closer and closer upon the horizon, the feeling was stronger than ever.

        I was so consumed with my thoughts that I almost missed him as he walked by me, with his adorable hat and his piercing blue eyes. He took my breath away; he was so much more handsome in person. The camera really didn't do him justice. It's now or never, and this is my only chance. I gather up my courage, take a deep breath, and take a few steps towards him.

        "Um.. J-jack... Sean. I.. I'm so sorry to bother you, but.. I love your videos so much, and there's something important I really need to tell you.." I bite my lower lip nervously, then sigh in relief as his gorgeous smile appears on his face.

        "Hey, sure! We can talk outside, if that's okay? They need to start cleanin' up this mess we've made here." He placed one hand on my shoulder and escorted me out front. The instant his skin touched mine, it felt as though electricity was practically crackling from his fingers into the depths of my being. A small blush spread across my face, and there was a slight hitch in my breathing. We stopped on the sidewalk out front of the convention center, and he removed his hand. A small pang of disappointment went through me, but I shrugged it off.

        "It's always great to meet a fan. Where abouts are you from?" He beamed at me with pure joy, seeming to be genuinely astounded that someone would be here at the convention just for him. It's part of why I loved him.

        "I live in midwestern America, in the state of Missouri." I smiled nervously, fidgeting as I looked around, still pushing down a feeling of impending disaster.

        "Wow! That's so far away! That's so incredible, thank you so much for being here!" The look on his face was adorable, priceless, and worth every penny I had spent to come here. I took a deep breath. Here we go..

        "There's something I need to tell you. I'm going through a pretty tough time in my life right now, and a while ago I was about ready to end it, but.. Then I found your videos, and your joy for life somehow made me smile again, and laugh, and I started to feel again for the first time in years. " He looked so shocked, and pleased, and touched. I smiled happily at him, and continued. "You.. Your speech, at then end of Presentable Liberty, it made me realize.. You made me realize, I'm not alone, and that life is still worth living, and I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart, and-"
        I paused abruptly in horror as the scene before me unfolded in slow motion. A car was speeding towards us, weaving uncontrollably through the street, and pedestrians were jumping out of the way left and right. In that moment I knew why I had had a strange feeling all week, and in that single moment everything became clear. Sean's videos saving my life, me falling in love with him, everything had been leading to this moment, and I knew what I had to do. With a desperate cry I grabbed him, and, with all my strength, pushed him away. Fractions of a second later, the car hit. I felt searing, blinding pain as I heard the sickening crunch of my bones being crushed by the speeding hunk of metal, I heard the onlookers screaming in horror, but all I cared about was him. Please, god, let him be okay.


Sean's P.O.V.

        It had all happened so quickly. A fan had pulled me aside at the end of the convention. A beautiful woman all the way from the States, and she had flown all the way out to Ireland just to meet me.. Me! I really did have the best fans in the world. I escorted her out to the front of the building so we could talk while the convention was being shut down and cleaned. Her story filled my eyes with tears. I could hardly believe what she was saying. It seemed impossible that I had saved her. There was something in her eyes when she looked at me that gave me butterflies.

        I don't know how it happened. One moment we were talking and the next..  It took my brain a few moments to register what had happened. She had actually thrown herself in front of a car to save me. I ran over to where she lie on the street, surrounded by a pool of her own blood. I took her hand as I knelt next to her, tears falling from my face.

        "S-sean.." she whispered, pausing as she coughed up a bit of blood. "Sean.. You saved me, and now.. *cough cough* It was my turn to save you. I love you Sean, with all my heart. I regret nothing.. Sean.. I'm.. Glad.. You're okay.." She closed her eyes and shuddered, and then her body went completely still. She died right there, in my arms. She died in my place, and I didn't even know her name. She loved me, and she died for me, and I was completely undeserving. A crushing sense of loss and despair overcame me and I threw my head back and screamed to the heavens, craddling her body in my arms, not caring that I was soaked in her blood.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I'm sorry these chapters are kind of short, but don't worry, I'll be updating this story quite often! Keep a look out, cause more is soon to come. Have a fabulous day, my fellow bosses.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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