Chapter 7: Think it over

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I woke up the next morning cranky as hell, still steamed over the whole debacle with the two morons last night. I just couldn't deal with the bullshit. I had bowed out of dating to get away from the irritating drama, and now here I was trying to swim my way out of it again.

I couldn't fathom what was going on with Loke. He's always teased and hinted at the two of us getting together, but I'd never even considered him seriously.

He was a total playboy; he'd honestly sleep with just about any woman that caught his eye.

Then there was Gajeel. What the hell had come over him? I couldn't believe it when he'd pushed me aside just to argue with Loke over fucking me. I mean, really? Since when is it acceptable for two men to have a pissing contest about who gets to sleep with me?

Someone definitely needed a reminder that we had evolved from the time when women needed a man to make her choices for her. I certainly didn't need anyone to tell me who to have sex with.

I silently fumed as I took my time showering and getting dressed. I had no interest in seeing Gajeel at the moment, seeing as I'd probably just give in to the urge to shove my foot up his ass.

The only problem was that Cana and I had promised Levy that we'd see her this morning to hear all the details of her night with Jet. I just wished that going to the guild didn't have to equate to seeing that Iron Asstard today. I was not ready to deal with his dumb ass.

Then it occurred to me. I didn't have to spend the day there avoiding his Royal Rudeness; I could get my girls and go on a mission. My team wasn't due for another mission until later this week, so this would be the perfect time for Cana, Levy, and I to hit the road for a few days.

My mood brightened almost immediately, and I hurried through my breakfast, packing a quick bag before I headed out the door. I was more than just a little ready to get out of town.

Pushing through the heavy doors, I was relieved to see that Gajeel hadn't made it in yet, and turning towards the bar, found a slightly hung over card mage.

I trotted over to her, laughing at her condition, as I slid onto the stool beside her, and mused, "Must have been a rough night."

She lifted her head from the bar to look up at me, her smile coming across lazily. "You have no idea," she answered, "It was so rough, I nearly forgot my name."

"I'm sorry...who are you again?" I joked, as we giggled in unison. Turning around, I searched for our blue-haired friend.

Cana, seeing my actions, automatically misinterpreted them, "Ah...who ya looking for there, Lucy? Your hunk-a-burning love perhaps?"

"God no," I answered, thoroughly aggrieved at the thought, unconsciously gritting my teeth, "He can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut for all I care."

Her face scrunched up in confusion, drawing a laugh out of me as I explained, "Sorry - just something an old friend of mine used to say."

She shook her head at the odd phrasing and asked, "So, why don't you want to see Gajeel?"

"Let's just say that the sexy night I had in mind turned into a dick measuring contest," I murmured angrily, leaning closer to her to avoid handing Mira more gossip to mull over, "Don't worry. I'll tell you about it later."

Nodding her head, she questioned, "So, you looking for Levy then?"

"Yeah, I want to get out of here for a few days, but we promised we'd be here for her today. So, I was thinking the three of us could go on a job. Nothing too crazy, but big enough to keep us out for about 3 days or something," I suggested, inwardly crossing my fingers that it would work out.

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