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Saved by Michael Jackson

Chapter 1: The special day!!!

Hi I'm Elizabeth Taylor. I'm 4 foot 4. I have really long light brown hair. My hair goes down my back and reaches the bottom of my back. I live in an orphanage because my daddy didn't want me anymore. I'm seven years old. My mommy died when I was 1. I miss her so much. After she died, daddy hated me and always hit me. Sometimes at night he would 'teach me a lesson'. That's the part I hated the most. He would do things I didn't like, but I knew not to make any noise. I have been in the orphanage since I was 2. So I've been here for a few years of HELL. I hate this place. Nobody likes me... And no one will adopt me -- "That's right. Nobody likes you" Ashley said. Ashley hates me the most. She always picks on me. She is the reason why nobody likes me

" 5 - 9 years old come to the main room" the lady said over the speaker. I knew when she said that, that meaning I had to come or she would find me. So I changed into my blue butterfly top with my black skinnys and I put on my black uggs. Then i made my way to the main room and I sat in the corner. Only because I never get adopted even if its a special guest. "Please may I have your attention. Our special guest is Michael Jackson". I was in awe because he is the person I adore.

Michael Jackson was looking around until he saw me. He waked over and said "what's wrong. Why you not over there." I started to cry. "No one likes me". "Who said that"? "Everyone one at the orphanage". Well they are just being mean. I'll be right back". What did he mean by that. As he ran over to the lady and was talking to her. I saw them both turn to me.

Michael POV

" I know I just came to visit but I would like to adopt that little girl over there." I said. "Um ok. You sure?" The lady questioned. "Yes. I'm positively sure." I said. "Ok well you have to fill out a lot if papers and I have to mention her past." As we finished the talk I signed the papers. I never knew she went through all of that abuse. She must be terrified of men. I have to help her.

Elizabeth's POV

The lady walked in and took me out to her office and told me that Michael was adopting me and ask if it was ok. I said yes so fast. She told me that michael was waiting by the exit and that I needed to grab my stuff. So I ran to my room and grabbed my worn out bag and stuffed my pants and shirts in it. Even though it wasn't a lot. I grabbed my sketch book and my mp3 player. I ran out the room only to be stopped by Ashley. "Hes gonna send you back once he finds out how worthless you are. Your a waste of space. He will send you back and you'll have to deal with me all over again. See you soon." I was tearing up. The thought ran through my mind so many times. That now I felt unsafe. As I walked to Michael, he led me out to a limo and we had a long ride to his house. "Elizabeth. This is my body guard, Bill. Bill this is Elizabeth my daughter. Michael stated. I was surprised when he said daughter. I didn't think he was at that stage yet but ok. We reached Neverland in like 2 hours.... And I saw....

Cliffhanger... How was it? I don't know.. Comment if you like

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