Ch. 52 - Lyricist

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I soon entered my dream land, with a huge smile plastered on my face.

April 18
2nd Day with Family
7:25 AM

I woke up earlier than usual to cook breakfast for the family. They haven't tried my cooking which improved the last time they ate it.

I decided to make an American breakfast, the type they're used to. I love American breakfasts myself so why not do it again! The last time I made American breakfast was for Twice, I smiled remembering their pure reaction to my cooking.

I placed the plates and utensils down on the dining table to change into Chef Y/N.

(Just imagine it in much more quantity)

(Just imagine it in much more quantity)

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8:05 AM

The family eventually woke up by their own alarms and by the familiar scent of American breakfast.

The precious smile on their face truly made my heart warm.

"Sweetheart, it smells amazing!" Mom said as she sat down on the dining table.

I took 4 glasses out from the cabinet and poured milk in it. I placed each cup down to who they belong to and finally sat myself down.

"Dig in, shall we?" I giggled and so they did.

The filled plates soon were empty and each person on the table were stuffed.

"Wonderful." Dad murmured, he was knocked out from how great the food was.

"You didn't even know how to crack eggs without shells getting in it, and now you make this!" Jaeyeon joked and it brought laughter to the table.

"It's what happens when you live alone." I shrugged my shoulders. The laughter slowly died down unexpectedly.

"Y/N," Dad asked, "are you sure you don't want to move back to the States with us?"

I looked up at him with a reassuring face, "Yes, I'm sure. But I'm willing to go there for a vacation someday!"

I mean.. chilling in the beautiful weather of popular places in California does not sound bad to me.

The three nodded in understanding. It might be hard for my parents to have their daughter live hours and hours away from them.

I mean, living alone is normal for me. I have many people who treat me as their daughter, which I am beyond thankful for. But having their presence is one of the best things ever that I have realized.

After minutes of talking with each other about all sorts of topics, they left to get ready. Today, they're going to visit people/places they haven't visited for a long time due to them moving back to America.


10:30 AM

Jaeyeon was the last to leave. He's going to visit his old friends which he's very excited about.

"I'll head out now, Y/N. Call me if you need anything, see ya!" He waved and left the condo.

Now it's just me. What should I do today?

I saw my song book on top of my coffee table. I smiled and swiftly took the book and pen.

I wrote down lyrics I formed in my head which felt like 30 minutes. In reality, it took almost 2 hours. I placed my pen down, looking down at the now finished song I just made.

I smiled widely, beyond proud of myself. I scanned through parts of it for the last time -

'I want you to cry, cry for me (me)
내가 울었던 것처럼, cry for me (yeah)
Make your rain fall, cry for me
But again (me, yeah)
조금씩 조금씩 빠져가 (ooh)
사랑에 결심이 무너져가 (ah-ah-ah)
용서할 핑계를 만들어가 (ah-ah)
I want you to, I want you to, I want you to cry for me'

Now that I have the song done, I typed them down on my computer and printed many copies of them. I put the papers of my song in the special folder that I'll keep in my car in case I ever go to the JYPE building suddenly! (Which is a great idea!)

I exhaled softly, happy to have this song down in no time. Now I'm excited to hear the finished product; hearing Twice's powerful vocals, the music that will blend perfectly with the lyrics, and the versatility Twice has.

Now onto the next project, composing Day6's album.

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