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I did simp over Sweet Tooth once or twice, but also it's because I've barely see any fanfics about him, well there were a few but I wanted more than a boyfriend scenario or a simple lemon to keep me satisfied, don't get me wrong I do love their stories

So I asked myself should I make another one?

Yes! I should anywho I've watched the gameplay of twisted metal from 1 to Twisted Metal Black, but of course the first one was a success of course, the second one was good, the third.....meh...I'm guessing that they were forced to cut down the blood and violence which is why they made the style look cartoonish...

The fourth Twisted Metal game........yikes....

Twisted Metal head on.....eh...not really feeling the excitement..

Twisted Metal: Small brawl

I mean it's not too bad I mean I guess they just wanted the game to target it for younger players, but I did enjoy a few of the endings of each player....

Okay so I'll make the prologue soon bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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