Chapter 2

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"Even your best isn't always good enough."

I woke up in a blanket of warmth. I looked around, confused. I was in a black and blue room. I stopped admiring it to look at the weight on my waist.
I gasped in surprise. Hunter was laying in bed next to me with his arm on my waist. I wriggled, but that made him hold me tighter.
I suppressed a groan and pinched his arm between my fingers. I tried gently pulling him off of me, but he didn't budge. I growled and gripped his arm with both hands. He barely twitched.
"Fucking strong stupid fucking prick," I mumbled to myself. This guy's like a fucking brick!
"Don't swear," he mumbled. I stared at his face. When asleep, he looks angelic. Too bad he's a devil child. I pinched his cheek. It was soft, but kinda firm.
"Ouch!" He yelped. I put on a straight face and tugged more. He glared at me and rubbed his cheek. I took this chance to speed out of bed, grab my dress and underwear, and go to the bathroom. He groaned in annoyance.
I locked the door behind me. I sighed and did my business.
What am I going to do? He marked me... I can't leave, unless I want this pack to go into disaster.
I looked it the mirror. My makeup is a little smudged, my lipstick wore off, and I looked a bit tired, but I still looked pretty good.
Knock knock.
"Scarlett! Are you okay?" I heard Hunter yell.
"Oh I'm fine. Just got marked, raped, and forced to stay here, but I'm fine," I yelled sarcastically. He chuckled.
"I'll take that as a yes," he chuckled to himself. My eyebrow twitched in annoyance.
"It's not a yes," I growled. I looked around for a weapon. I found a razor, plunger, and prescriptions for random crap like Advil. I grabbed the razor, put it in my lace undies, and grabbed the plunger. I threw the door open. I frowned when I didn't see Hunter anywhere. I steeped out in attack position.
I screamed when he grabbed me from behind.
"Planning to escape?" He chuckled. I growled and threw my head back. I flinched as his nose hit the back of my head. I whipped around and hit him as hard as I could with the plunger. He groaned in pain. I swung the plunger where the sun don't shine.
He groaned and fell to the floor, holding his jewels. I grinned and scampered to the door. Please be unlocked...
"Yes!" I cheered when the door opened. I shut it behind me. The slut Brittany was walking towards me looking pissed. I spun to her with a grin.
"What the f-"
"Brittany! I finally found you! Hunter would like you in his bedroom. I just told him that I'd try harder to find you," I chirped. Her scowl was replaced by a smirk.
"Thank you, Ms. Moon," she said. I smiled as she sashayed into the room where I left Hunter on his knees.
I rushed away when she closed the door. I leapt out the open front door and raced to my car. I heard a crash and yelling when I made it to my car. I giggled. Too bad for Brittany.
I blasted my radio and sped away. I was bouncing in my seat from the adrenaline.
I felt a pounding in my head. Alpha Walters is trying to mind link me. I groaned and went faster. I squealed to a stop in my driveway and stumbled out of my car. I threw open the door and raced for the Advil. I took some. I sighed. The pain will go away in a while.
For now, I need to relax. I groaned and headed towards the kitchen. I got cotton candy, dark chocolate, kit kats, and a few sandwiches. I threw them on my bed and trudged to the door. I locked it and headed back towards my bedroom. I shut all the curtains and locked my bedroom door. It was then that I decided I could relax. I plopped on my bed and turned on my tv. I played Inuyasha as I ate.
My eyelids started closing by themselves. I shut off the tv and laid down. I sighed as sleep relaxed all my muscles.
I woke up to my door being knocked in. The crash made me jump a foot in the air. My heart started pumping blood through my veins faster. I glanced around in panic. Realization slapped my face. I should hide, not wait to see who they are.
"Shit sticks," I mumbled under my breathe. I dove into my closet and pulled down the ladder that leads to my attic. I go up there when I'm bored. There's a super fluffy blue carpet, bean bag chairs, tv, blankets, pillows, and a secret stash of candy. I slid into the attic and sighed in relief. I pulled the ladder up and pulled up the secret door. I like my privacy, so I made this.
The sound of my bedroom door being knocked down awakened all of my senses. I faintly smelled that raspberry cream cheese cake. Now I wish I had some...
There was the faint sound of heavy breathing. Mine hitched and I hid under all my bean bag chairs and blankets. I covered my mouth to make my breathing quieter. I heard a VERY loud growl.
My insides turned to mush, but I managed to keep myself together.
"Scarlett!" Hunter roared. A yelp escaped my lips. I squeezed my eyes shut as he suddenly went silent. I heard the thumping of his shoes hitting my hardwood floor. He was headed my way.
He stopped right under my secret door. He was shuffling things around.
I froze. He put his hands on the secret door. He found the handle. He pulled it down carefully. He climbed the ladder and grunted. His head is probably an inch or two below my ceiling. I'm 4'9" while he's 5'7". Ya... He's quite scary.
"Scarlett," he growled. I pinched my lips together. He started coming this way. I tensed as he stopped right beside me. I bet that if I just reached out from under the blanket, I would touch his shoe. But I won't.
"Scarlett, get out of there," he said calmly. I put my hands over my face. An whoosh of cold air hit me. I shivered.
He chuckled. "You're going to get punished for that," he said, amused.
"For what? Eating so much, or kicking your ass," I mumbled. He growled and pulled me up to him. I secretly rolled my eyes. Stupid man pride.
"You are MY mate. You will do as I say," he snarled. My eyebrow twitched.
"I'm not an object! I'm a person with a free will!" I yelled in his face, removing my hands from mine. If this were a cartoon, steam would be coming out of his red face.
"No! You're a werewolf! There is no freedom! That's how the world turns," he snarled.
"No. I wanted to teach, I did. I wanted to move out, I did! I had the freedom to do those things! Now I have none! You took my freedom!" I screamed. He growled. I was starting to hyperventilate.
"Never talk to your Alpha that way," he snarled. An idea formed in my head.
"Fine," I snarled back and stopped struggling. He was flabbergasted at my sudden acceptance. "What? You were going to get me either way," I snapped. He seemed to accept it. He nodded and turned around. I followed him. He drove me to his house and went to find his father.
I grabbed a paper and pen that were on his living room coffee table.
"I, Scarlett Moon, hereby leave the Blood Rose pack," I wrote. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. I'm now a rogue.
I sped outside and shifted into my beautiful black wolf.
'What the hell?' Shakira hissed at me.
"He's trying to make me do something I don't want. I want to teach, have a NORMAL family. I don't want to be Luna," I told her and shut our communication off before she could reply.
I bounded through the forest, heading to my house. I padded through my knocked down front door and shifted. I blushed at my nakedness, even though nobody was there.
I raced upstairs and grabbed my duffle bag and back pack. I shoved my laptop, phone, chargers, food, and clothes in them. I tied them to me.
I shifted into my wolf and pounced down the stairs. I flinched as I landed on the hard ground.
I heard a head pounding howl and bound off. I sped through the forest. My bags were slightly weighing me down, but I still ran like a blur.
I leapt onto unclaimed land and grinned. I'm free. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I whimpered, but continued running.
Hunter will be coming any moment now.
I ran at border of the forest. I passed houses and shops. I blended into the shadows, so nobody saw me. I stopped when I came to the edge of the unclaimed territory. I hid in a portable bathroom and shifted there. I pulled a black sports bra and spandex shorts on. I walked to the edge and looked around for a sign of another wolf. I saw a newly turned grey pup. We turn when we're sixteen, but start to find our mates when we're eighteen, sometimes at age sixteen. That's the age that the moon goddess thinks we're ready or need our mates.
She decides.
"Come here," I cooed. The wolf perked up in curiosity and cautiously made its way over. I grinned and giggled at it. "Hello there. If you're a girl, nod your head. If you're a boy, shake your head."
The pup shook its head at me. I grinned and reached out to touch him. He sat next to me in contentment as I pet him. I sighed in content. Ten wolves stalked out of the trees. I bowed in respect. There was an Alpha, Luna, Beta, and the rest were warriors. The Alpha growled threateningly at me. The pup growled at him with a lot more power than I expected.
The Alpha growled back, but didn't initiate any threats toward him. The pup stepped in front of me and snarled at the Alpha. The Alpha nodded reluctantly and shifted behind a tree. The Luna left when he came back. I smiled politely at them. The pup shifted behind a tree also.
I stared at the man that came out. He seemed more like an eighteen year old than a sixteen year old. I gaped at him. The Alpha growled and snapped at me. The brunette cocked an eyebrow at me.
"Oh! I-I'm sorry! It's just... Are you really sixteen?" I asked the guy standing before me. He chuckled.
"Yes, I am. I'm the soon to be Alpha," he stated with pride. I nodded in respect and turned towards the Alpha. "Alpha, Luna." I bowed in respect.
"Yes," the Luna cooed. I smiled at her. She looks like she's wonderful with children.
"I wanted to ask permission to cross your lands, but I couldn't see anyone around except for him," I motioned towards the brunette. He pouted playfully.
"You should at least know my name. I mean, I AM standing right here," he scoffed like a girly girl. I grinned and giggled at him.
"What's your name then?" I asked.
"James Carter," he stated proudly. I smiled and turned back to his parents.
"Alpha Carter, may I pass through your territory?" I said respectfully. He stared at me in shock.
"Why are you being so nice? For a rogue, I mean," he said.
"Oh. I didn't want to come across as a bloodthirsty murderer, since I'm not. And I didn't want to intrude. You might've thought that I was lying if you caught me going through your territory and I said I was just passing through. I used to be a math teacher. My mate didn't...appreciate that I wanted to keep my job," I explained. He nodded in relief. I smiled at him.
"Of course you can travel through my territory, thanks for asking. I'll have my Beta escort you. He'll protect you," Alpha Carter said kindly. I smiled gratefully at them.
"If it's not too much trouble, could you also ask any packs if they will take me in? I love teaching," I pleaded. He considered it. Luna tugged on his arm. He looked down at her with worry. I felt a pang of sadness hit me. I covered it up. She nodded at him in confirmation. He smiled admiringly down at her.
"Of course. Please come to my pack house for a while, and I'll see what I can do," he said. I grinned and bowed at them again.
"Thank you, Alpha," I cheered. He chuckled. I looked at the Luna. She was staring at me, interested. She blushed when I caught her staring. I slowly outstretched my arm, but stopped. I looked at the Alpha.
"May I meet her?" I asked. He seemed cautious, but nodded. I grinned and held out my hand. This woman looked about my age.
She shyly shook my hand, but grew more confident. She seemed sure I wasn't a threat now.
"Shall we go?" Alpha Carter asked. I nodded and followed them. I caught the warriors sneaking heated glances at me. I tried ignoring them. Yes, I work out. Also called, dancing and singing when nobody is watching.
We arrived in front of a huge house. Many people gave me curious glances. A little girl walked up to me, much to her mother's horror.
"Who you?" She cutely asked. I bent down to her level.
"I'm a teacher. I'm looking for a place to teach people now," I cooed. I glanced at the terrified mother. "You should go back to your mommy." I ruffled her hair and stood back up. She giggled and ran off. She ran into her mother's arms. I smiled shyly at her. She smiled shyly back.
"Miss?" Alpha Carter asked. "Are you coming?" I almost face palmed myself.
"Oh yes! I'm sorry! A little girl just walked up to me..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.
"That's okay, let's go," he chuckled. We went into his office. He waved his hands to dismiss the warriors, still by his side. They walked out. One winked at me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I turned back to see an amused Alpha. My face turned beet red.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Scarlett Moon," I announced. He nodded. He held up one finger and picked up the phone.
"Hello? Alpha Walters? Yes I wou-" he saw me waving my hands like a crazy person. "Please hang on a minute," he said and put the phone on hold. "What is it?" He asked. I sighed in relief.
"That's the pack I just came from. Sorry, I forgot to mention it," I said. He nodded.
"That's alright," he said. He picked the phone back up. "I'm sorry, it's just a little misunderstanding." He hung up. I waited patiently.
"Would you like to join our pack?" He asked. I was taken aback for a split second.
"I couldn't do that to you. Unless you like war," I muttered the last part bitterly.
"Exactly what position was your mate?" He asked. I stiffened.
"Soon to be Alpha," I muttered with distaste. His face immediately stiffened.
"I'm sorry Ms. Moon, but we have an alliance with them and they wouldn't take it lightly if their Luna took refuge in our pack," he said in Alpha tone. I smiled sadly at him.
"Figured," I said.
"But we can see you in the right direction," he smiled at me. I grinned a mega watt at him.
"That'd be great, thanks!" I chirped. He smiled and picked up the phone. I sat patiently while he talked. He hung up and smiled at me.
"Well, I have good news! The Blue Moon pack said that they don't mind if you join, since they could use a teacher for their school," he said. I felt my stomach plummet at his next words. "But if the Blood Rose pack comes to get you, they will hand you over."
"I understand. Could you just give me the directions? I'll be on my way," I said sadly. He nodded and wrote some stuff down. I glanced at it as he gave it to me. Oh well.
"Be careful," he said with a smile. I nodded and left his office. I walked down the hallway, looking at the directions, only to walk into a wall.
"Fuck," I whispered under my breath. The wall rumbled with laughter. I looked up to see James. He cocked an eyebrow at me.
"Since when do teachers swear?" He joked. I playfully scowled at him.
"Ever since I became a teacher," I said. He chuckled.
"So, where you going?" He said sadly. I frowned and looked at the paper again.
"Blue Moon pack," I stated. A frown instantly appeared on his face. "Should I know something?" I asked. He looked unsure.
"They are very..." He seemed to be trying to find a nice word. He sighed. "Uh. Ruthless, murderous, mean... I don't know how to nicely put it," he groaned. I face palmed myself. Of course. The one pack that needs teachers are steroid worthy people. As they say, all muscle, no brains.
"Oh shit," I muttered. Let's hope they are nicer than the rumors say.
"Sorry, man," James patted my shoulder. I shot daggers at him.
"Do men have this bombshell worthy bodies," I motioned towards myself. He chuckled.
"No. Speaking of bombshells, you are hot!" He wolf whistled at me. I giggled and rolled my eyes.
"Oh please. Don't stop," I joked. I pat his arm. "Better go," I said. He embraced me into a hug. I tensed, not liking physical contact in such intimate ways, but soon hugged back. Let's just say, I've never been hugged by many people. Never planned to either. I seem to hold a grudge against hugs. They usually go on for too long. I find it stupid.
I let go as soon as his grip loosened. I sighed in relief and smiled. Glad that's over. I ache for physical connections. But not hugs. Only pats, make overs, casual hair combing or doing, laying on my friends legs or something, things like that. Not hugs.
"Bye," he said sadly. I smiled and walked away.
I took a deep breathe of the fresh air as soon as I got outside. Hugs make me feel claustrophobic. Nothing else does though. I like small, cramped places that I can get comfy in. That's why my attic has a lowish ceiling. I feel safe in places that are small and mine.
I strolled through the forest. Many guards stared at me curiously. I ignored their stares. A pretty hot one swaggered up to me. I stopped with a flirty smile as he came in my way. He smirked.
"Sup, beautiful," he said.
"Sup," I said casually. That's my line, bastard. I say that ALL the time. When I'm not teaching.
"So... Wanna come get a coffee with me?" He leaned against a tree. I smirked at him.
"Sorry, I'm running from a very powerful pack right now. Maybe later?" I said. He frowned.
"That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard," he said. I rolled my eyes.
"By the way, it's not an excuse. It's a fact. I'm running from the Blood Rose pack. But if you wanna risk more of my safety, hell, let's go get a fucking coffee," I said sarcastically. He smirked in victory. I heard a couple other guards chuckle.
I followed him, making faces behind his back once in a while. As we walked, I saw James. Many girls were around him. He looked uncomfortable. He caught a glance of me and a megawatt appeared on his face. He looked a bit confused. He waved at me. I gave him a puppy dog face, then pointed at man whore, and I fake gagged. He smirked.
"Hey, Scarlett!" He yelled out. I scowled at him, acting.
"Hey," I muttered. He came over. The girls followed him. Many scowled threateningly at me.
"Why are you still in town?" He smirked flirtatiously. I smirked back when I caught onto what he was doing. Man whore looked super ticked.
"This guy didn't believe me when I said that I was being hunted down, and told me to have a coffee with him," I shrugged and leaned into him. "What are you doing here babe?" I bit back a laugh. He seemed struggling too, but then started acting better. Man whore was giving James a death glare behind my back. The girls were too.
"I thought I'd take a walk in town, since I was lonely when you left," he said. I smiled sweetly at him.
"Can he come?" I asked man whore.
"Nope," he said instantly.
"By the way, what's your name?" I asked him.
"Derek," he said. I'm surprised it isn't shit head.
"Cool," I shrugged. "I have to go babe," I pouted to James. He grinned and kissed the tip of my nose. I smiled shyly as my face blushed on its own.
"It's alright sugar. I'll have a taste of your sweetness later," he winked. My body started shaking, I was trying so hard not to laugh. Everybody's jaw dropped. I finally burst out laughing. James joined in.
"What is your guys' problem?" I asked. The girls glared at me. One woman stepped forward.
"You're messing with MY man," she snarled. Psh. He's like sixteen, he shouldn't have lost his virginity yet. He's too nice.
"Last time I checked, you don't have a mark, and besides," I said, smirking. "When has he had you in bed?" I almost laughed at her murderous face.
"Sugar, no reason to get feisty, no matter how sexy you are when you do," James cooed. I giggled.
"Thanks baby," I cooed. Derek growled lowly.
"I don't care if you're going to be Alpha, if you don't step away from my girl, you're going to have a broken nose," Derek growled. I gasped in fake horror.
"No! Don't do that to him," I snapped weakly. He growled and went to push me aside. James looked ready to kill. Right before his hand touched me, I grabbed it and twisted. He twirled around and got on his knees. I pinned his arm behind his back roughly. I took my own secret lessons. From tv.
"Don't touch a girl like that ever again. If you do, I will hang you off the tallest building here by your balls, then castrate you," I said calmly. He growled, but nodded. As soon as I let go, he punched my stomach. I squeezed my eyes shut as searing pain ran through me. It didn't help when I smacked into the brick building a few feet away. Tears ran down my face and I coughed up blood. Blood ran down my head and into my eyes.
I heard a scream of rage and a fight. I weakly looked up, clutching my stomach. I saw a red blurry figure of James beat man wh- I mean, Derek, into the ground. He stopped and started towards me. I flinched on instinct. He whimpered and picked me up gently. I whimpered as my stomach and head pounded in protest.
"Shush. We need to get you to the pack hospital. Don't worry," James cooed into my ear. For some reason, I felt that he was like the big bro I never had, but always wanted. Chasing off guys who like me, defend me, beat assholes into pulps, and cares for me. And to tell the truth... I love him like a brother too.


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