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The last two weeks were the best of Dori's life.

Ever since the day they went to the movies, Jareth had been quite a bit warmer to her. He walked her to practice after school, and on the days that Mardy coached her he stayed to watch and chat and encourage. He also taught her magic; now she can levitate, Shift with decent accuracy, and control her magic.

Dori had also almost fully inherited the Labyrinth Consciousness. The duo wasn't sure if she would inherit the entire being, or if part of it would stay in Jareth's head as well. Only time would tell.

Dori should have known the happiness wouldn't last forever.

It was Coach Daniels' day to train her, and she was late. The seniors at her school, herself included had finals and her fourth period test had run after the bell. She had changed her clothes at school and Shifted into the bathroom at the course.

"Hey, Hal, I need the-"

"Don't bother. Jason's got your clubs. He's not happy." Hal looked her up and down when she wasn't looking, his eyes lingering on the thick legs exposed by her long golf skirt.

Dori swore under her breath. "Alright. Thanks." She turned to go outside.

"Anytime, beautiful."

She hurried onto the driving range. "Look, sir, I'm sorry. It's finals week and-"

"Save it! I'm sick of having to wait for you. I take time out of my day to be here, to coach you because your father is my friend. If you won't respect that by being here on time, I will no longer be here at all. Now, start hitting."

Knowing it would do nothing but waste her breath, Theodora didn't bother to try to explain. Instead she just heaved a sigh, muttered a "Yes, sir," and started warming up, focusing on hitting the ball straight and far. After about half an hour of nothing but hitting and reprimanding comments, did Daniels say anything else.

"That was horrible. Your stance is off; you need to stand like this." Then, without her permission, he grabs her hips to position them. Next thing she knows, he's pressed up behind her, holding himself against her rear. For a moment, Dori is too stunned to move.

When his hands start to travel, she snaps out of her shock. Shoving away from him, Dori whirls around. "What the hell do you think you are doing? Don't touch me!"

He smirked, "Why not?"

"Because I don't like you!"

"Oh, sure you do. See, I think you *are* interested in me. Why else would you be late all the time, wear those skirts and shorts, and do every possible thing to get any form of attention from me other than coaching?" He walked forward and reached for her hips again.

"I said don't touch me! You must be nuts!" When he kept pushing closer to her, she raised her fist and slammed it against his nose. He yelped in pain and grabbed at the now bleeding nostrils. She packed away her clubs as she spoke. "For your information, the way I dress is not to impress you nor is it your business. You are my father's friend and my coach. That is all there is to this situation. Good day to you." She stormed off to the club house with her golf bag on her shoulder.

She ignored Hal when he tried to send his usual flirtations her way, and ignored him again when he tried to ask her what the matter was. In fact, she ignored everything on the way home, except her thoughts. How was she going to broach the subject with her father of not being coached by Daniels anymore?

He'll need to be in a good mood and I'll have to make dinner better than normal.

When Dori got home she took a shower and then started to work with the hamburger she had left out that morning. Her father loved hamburgers and she had decided to try a Teriyaki Burger recipe she had found. By the time her father got home, the french fry timer was going off and she had just finished putting his hamburger together. He only liked lettuce on them, but she thought he'd let the pineapple pass.

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