Part one

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I've been with the avengers for almost three months, but I have a secret I'm a little. I instantly became really close to Nat. She was always super nice to me and protective but I hated having to hide and act different around her I feel guilty about lying to her. Which is why I hate to admit, I like when she goes on missions I can be myself more when she's gone. Of course I miss her but it gives me more freedom.

Wanda is the only one who knows, she caught me watching cartoons with my blankie she had seen me watch them before but I always said I was trying find the right channel. But this time she read my mind now she knew my big secret. 

I grabbed the remote and changed channels as quick as I could. Wanda left the room I was embarrassed and i was scared she was gonna tell the others but I was pleasantly surprised when Wanda walked back in a few seconds later, she had grabbed a blanket and sat next to me turned the cartoons back on and just smiled at me. 

'Pwease no tell others' I didn't realise until after I said it I said it in my baby voice oh no she was gonna think I was weird. Without taking her eyes off the screen she replied. 'I promise' she wrapped her arm around me I nestled into her side. Then Steve and Tony walked in.

'Hey guys what are you watching?' He looked up at the screen and paused for a moment. I thought he was gonna start shouting or be mean but he just looked at me slightly confused and asked. 'What is this one called again? I think Morgan used to watch this' before I could respond Steve spoke ' isn't this a bit young for you I mean why aren't you watching something more age appropriate' Tony  saw my face drop he winked at me then turned to Steve ' I don't think you should be bothered about people acting their age Rogers or you'd probably be dead by now' Wanda let out a chuckle and smiled at Tony. 'Leave them to watch their show their not hurting anyone' Steve shrugs gives me a quick 'sorry y/n' and walks away.

Last night I had a nightmare about my life at hydra. I spent most of my life there the rest, I didn't remember but something about being little comforted me. Maybe it reminded me of my childhood before hydra or gave me a chance at a new one? Whatever the reason it worked but it became harder to hide after Nat heard me scream. She came running in and pulled me into her chest lifting me onto her lap she started rocking me and stroking my hair. Oh no I felt the need to slip, I never felt a comfort like this before. She started whispering to me and comforting me. It became harder to fight so I quickly darted out of Nats arms she tried to pull me back but failed. 'Y/n' she called out as she followed me to the kitchen. 'What are you doing?' 'I'm just thirsty' I say avoiding eye contact. 'Okay but being thirsty doesn't make you run out like that so try again.' I could feel her staring at me. 'It's nothing Nat' 'I know your hiding something!' Nat shouted 'Nat leave me alone' I replied I felt my eyes fill with tears I wanted to tell her but I didn't know how. Would she still like me? Or would she leave me? I couldn't bear the thought of losing her so I kept quiet.

'what are you hiding? And don't tell me it's nothing!' I felt a tear flow down. 'Nat I can't tell you you'll hate me' 'How do you know how I'll react you haven't even told me!' I wrapped my arms around myself and looked at the floor 'please stop shouting Nat please' 'Not until you tell me instead of standing there crying not saying anything whilst i'm trying to help you! GOD YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A CHILD!' I'd never heard her yell like that I ran out of the kitchen to my room I slammed the door and jumped on my bed crying in a ball.

Wanda came out from her room, obviously awoken by nats screaming, and saw her walking around angrily. 'Do you know what is going on with y/n?'     'Nat what do you mean what happened why were you yelling at them?' Nat collapsed on the chair with her head in her hands. 'Theyre hiding something wanda, something big.' 'Um I-' Nat can tell by wandas reaction she knows something. 'Nat I- I don't know how to tell you' Nat looks up and takes a deep breath trying to calm down 'just tell me Wanda please' wanda sees the desperation in Nat's eyes 'y/n is a little.' 

Nat relaxes slightly 'that's it?' Wanda tilts her head 'your not mad?' 'No i could never be mad at y/n for that' she freezes a wave of guilt washes over her as she hears a voice in her head... her voice. 'GOD YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A CHILD!' She remembers the pain on y/ns face. She runs to y/ns bedroom and sees them laying in a ball sobbing. She runs over and scoops them into a hug. 'I'm so sorry y/n' 

Nats POV 

I grabs y/ns blankie and lay on the bed placing it over me and y/n. 'No blankie- I mean uh no blanket' they said trying to kick it off but I hold them still 'y/n it's ok if you don't but why don't you want the blanket?' 'I'm not a child' y/n sobs again 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that it's ok I love you no matter what.' Y/n looks up confused. 'Wanda told me, honey why didn't you say anything? I would of taken care of you' I say rubbing their back eventually they stop crying. 'Would you want me to take care of you..' y/n nodded 

'I'm sowwy i didn't tell you I was scared' I loved the way y/n spoke in her little  voice but didn't make a big deal of it. 'It's ok bubs I love you... now do you want the blankie or no?' 'Blankie' y/n responded cuddling into my chest more a yawn escapes their mouth. It made my heart melt how are they so cute'    Awe tired bubs?' I asked already knowing the answer. Y/n nodded 'its okay go back to sleep I'm right here you're safe I promise' I pull the blanket up so it's the way y/n likes earning a slight sigh. They are so adorable I thought to myself. My little. Mine I say over in my head as I tuck a strand of hair behind y/n's ear and kiss their forehead. ' i wuv you' y/n whispered as they drifted off to sleep 'love you too' I eventually allowed myself to fall asleep once I knew y/n was safe.

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