Part Eleven

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Warnings: sickness, vomiting, pain, medicine etc

Also mild !LANGUAGE!

As always feel free to Leave any feedback/suggestions you have in the comments 


I left y/n to sleep while I went and filled out all the paperwork I had from the mission. 'Hey Nat could I do my homework in here? I keep getting distracted everywhere else or annoying the others.' Peter asked shyly. 'Sure grab a chair. How is school going?' Peter sighed and sat down. 'Flash still won't leave me alone.' He looked down sadly but I smirked. 'Want me to show you the quickest way to break someone's nose?' Suddenly Jarvis spoke. 'Mr Stark has a message for you.' I rolled my eyes. 'Romanoff if I get a call from school because he broke a kids nose then... eh it's you i can't do anything just please don't.' Peter laughed. 'First of all you wouldn't get the call happy or Pepper would answer it. Second you're lucky I only wanna teach him to break their nose i could teach a whole lot worse. Third he deserves it. Fourth you're right you can't do anything.' Peter spoke up again. 'You sure you don't mind me being here I don't want to distract you.' I smiled at peter. 'If I can work with y/n attached to me whilst crying with Wanda complaining and sulking because their show ended I can deal with you talking so you're fine.'

After a few minutes Clint walked in 'Nat it's y/n!' I sprang up from my seat and ran to her room. I saw Wanda holding y/n who was curled up shaking and crying. 'What's wrong Bub?' 'I feels bad.' I sat on the bed and stroked their cheek. 'What do you mean you feel bad? You didn't do anything wrong.' 'No I feel bad.' they clutched their stomach. 'Aw does someone have a sore tummy?' Y/n nodded they did feel kind of hot. 'You're burning up but shivering I think you have a fever Bub.' Wanda gently lifted them up and laid them down on the bed. 'I will go get you some things.' I thanked her before turning back to y/n. 'Bub can you tell me what hurts.' They pointed to their head throat and stomach. 'Aw my poor baby.' Suddenly they lunged forward and threw up all over their clothes they looked at me tears formed in their eyes. 'Hey don't cry let's get you cleaned up okay.' I wiped their clothes down as much as I could, helped them wash their hands and face then got them changed into shorts and an oversized tshirt so they were comfy but wouldn't get too hot.

'Do you feel better now.' They shook their head and held their stomach again in lifted them up and placed them down next to the toilet just in time. 'Mama scawy.' I rubbed their back. 'I know Bub being sick is yucky but it can make you feel better. Just let it out it'll be over soon then we can cuddle and watch a movie... after you brush your teeth' I laughed, after about fifteen minutes it seemed to be over I placed the trash can next to the bed just in case. 'You want cuddles now bubs?' They looked down and shook their head. 'It's ok if you don't, you don't need to be upset. We will only cuddle if you want too.' They shook their head again. 'What's wrong? Do you want cuddles?' They nodded. 'Okay but what does that make you sad?' 'You get 'ick.' They took a step back I realised what they meant. 'Hey I don't care if I get sick I just want you to get better. I would chose to get sick instead of you if I could. I'm your mama I will always look after you plus I'm to scary to get sick. I will just fight the sickness away.' I do pretend karate and y/n laughs.

Wanda still hadn't come back and we were both confused until we heard the door slam we walked to the couches and met Wanda. 'Hey sorry I'm late we didn't have any medicine in liquid form. I also got you some juice boxes and some ice lollies for your throat.' She opened one and handed it to y/n. 'Mama say no t'weats fore dinner.' I smiled 'it's ok honey your sick so I will let you off just this once but good job following the rules.' They smiled before happily eating their ice lolly. 'You're gonna get that everywhere aren't you?' They nodded and giggled it was already colouring their chin and lips blue. 'I look forward to cleaning that sticky mess.' 

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