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I let out a groan of frustration as I shuffle trough the isles of the local grocery store. Mom was taking forever. Delicately reading the nutrition labels and making sure nothing contained a source of peanut extract. Ever since I was little I've been allergic to peanuts. I break out in hives, my face gets red and my glands swell. So basically f I eat peanuts, I'm gonna be an itchy piece of shit gasping for the air which would be crawling out from my tender lungs.

We finally get home after what seemed to be hours of that hell hole of a grocery store. I couldn't walk three feet without being cat called. I don't see as to why some old fuck would be ignorant enough to do such a disgusting thing especially to a minor. His voice was raspy and his breath lingered heavily of intoxication. His figure was flubbery. I felt disgusted. Anxiety had been pinning me to the floor almost. I couldn't move. He made me feel uncomfortable and I flinched to his vulgar words, they stung my self esteem as a slap would to my face. That's when mom called me over and I snapped out of the terrifying trance that kept me in place. But now I'm here, laying on the couch as I glance at mom checking the never ending list of prescriptions which we both share. Except I have several extra prescriptions specifically for myself due to my many disorders. Usually they run out in a span of two weeks and then I have to wait two extra weeks until we can refill them. That's when shit starts getting scary around the house. I noticed how we tend to tell one another that bad situations always happen for a reason, and that after so long everything will mellow out and go back to normal. But what happens when we wake up in the morning and our monsters are still creeping behind us in the ever so frightening shadows? People use tactics and medicine to make us feel sane. Making us believe that positive thinking will cause the past to simply disappear. But it doesnt. Society has gotten so wrapped up in trying to make people into something they're not in order to be happy. Happiness shouldn't be artificial. Happiness and love are meant to be genuine. The chaotic world we live in doesn't lack happiness as some would say. This world lacks genuinetity.

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