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Nari: Wei korang serious ah?! 7K read!! 312 vote! Wow!

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Nari: Wei korang serious ah?! 7K read!! 312 vote! Wow!

Fang: Wei tak sangka banyak jugak orang vote cerita kita

Nari: Entah tapi syukur lah bila tengok benda ni buat kitorang lebih semangat nak tulis cerita!

Nyx: Kau kerja tulis je, aku dengan si Fang tu yang penat

Fang: Betul tu! Kitorang penat kerah otak carik idea! Kau just type je pon!

Nari: Okay² chill guys! Anyway kita perlu berterima kasih pada readers yang vote untuk cerita kita ni

Fa, Ny: Yes!

Nari: Terima kasih ya kawan² sebab baca buku ni. Teruskan support kitorang agar kitorang jadi lebih semangat untuk buat cerita ni!

Fang: Yonde kurete arigatō, watashi wa anata-tachi o totemo aishiteimasu! Watashitachi no hon o yomi tsudzukete kudasai.
= Thank you my dearest for reading, I love you guys so much! Keep on reading our book okay!

Nyx: Vă mulțumesc drăguț pentru citire, vă iubesc foarte mult! Fără voi, nu vom fi atât de activi pentru a crea această carte! Vă promitem că vom face tot posibilul!
=Thank you my lovely for reading, I love you guys so much! Without you guys we won't be so active to make this book! We promise you we do our best!

Nari: Aku sayang korang semua!

Fang: Watashi wa anata-tachi o totemo aishiteimasu!

Nyx: Iubitilor mei, va iubesc mult

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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