2. The letter

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"Laelithra, what do you briefly remember of your father?" the cold man asked me, "professor that's a bit insensitive no?" I hummed turning my body to face his, his posture leaning against the doorway. " apologies that came out harsher then expected-" I scoffed earning his signature eyebrow raise in return. "What do you remember of your father before he left?" my focus perked up to that question as I stably rose to a stand. "my father never left- he got took by the wicked men we call the ministry" my voice raised, who gave him the nerve to ask such a thing.

"and do you know why?" the professor neutrally asked. I squeezed my palm biting my tongue so hard I most likely withdrew blood. "my father was a good man" I whispered repeating the word 'was' in my mind. "you father was a swine" snape resorted back in a rather hushed tone. I clicked my tongue screwing my eyes shut, "you don't like my father, fair, now what do you need to talk to me about" I picked the white polish on my nails. "Miss Ludic your mother has contacted me about something she feels you should know"

" so why cant she tell me herself" I quickly interrupted, the professor sighed in a stressed tone, "I cant deal with this child today-" he muttered to himself shaking his head. he swiftly stepped towards me handing a letter in front of me to take, "this is from your mother, once you've read it come for dinner and we will carry this conversation on with albus tomorrow". And with that he left, his robes swaying behind him. After sitting in silence for a few minutes staring at the parchment in my hands the common rooms doors bellowed open followed by voices getting closer to the dorm.

"Where the fuck have you been all day" Mattheo greeted throwing himself to me enveloping me in a hug like hes never gonna see me again. to my left blaise picked up my letter unfolding it before I kicked riddle off me, "uh give that back" I snatched it from his ringed hand stuffing it in my bra. "defo a love letter from a milf" pansy teased before lying on my bed making me sarcastically laugh rolling my eyes. "blondie you still haven't told us why you've bunked every class today" draco reciprocated to Mattheos question. All 4 pairs of eyes now staring back up at me "Mcgonagall let me have the day off, I uh didn't feel well this morning" I improvised the last thing on the spot.

"oh darling do you feel any better now?" pansy walked up to me with open arms but halted as the body belonging to zabini stopped her "don't go any closer Parkinson, she may be contagious" draco snorted while my mouth hung open and I flipped them off. "whats that secret letter all about?" mattheo asked pointing at my breasts, "letter from home, probably in shit for sneaking off to Cho's party last week" I shrugged sitting back down on my now messy bed. Draco yawned checking himself out in my mirror "mm cool story, im hungry you coming into the great hall for food?" I turned my head to the girl tying her hair in a pony tail next to me "oh please I cant handle these boys any longer" her voice muffled by the bobby pin between her lips.

I fall back into my bed cuddling closer to my pillow "i'll have to get dressed and that's effort" I whine "Just go in your pyjamas and wear your robe over it I doubt Dumbledore will actually care" blaise says getting my robe out of my wardrobe not really giving me a choice. He holds it open waiting for me to get in, "fine but if I get a detention I bet your arses im dragging you 4 with me" I say while throwing on my robe.

By the time we are sat at our table ive already had strange stares from nearly everyone and been interrogated by filch which lead to draco calling him a filthy squib and threatening to tell his father about it. "hey draco?" I turned my body in a more comfortable position "yes ludic" he replied drinking pumpkin juice, "ive never met your mother and father, what are they like?". "wait you, Laelithra Ludic have never met Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy? Draco my boy, what are you playing at" Pansy stated clearing overhearing our convo. narcissa, that's such a beautiful name I thought.

I looked over at draco his face riddled with confusion, "wait, Layla why haven't you actually never met my parents?" now the whole squad looking at me, I look at him with a 'are you dumb' face, "draco you hated me for the first 5 years here, you thought I was heir of slytherin or something, you don't remember teasing me for like 4 years straight?" I ask with utter aberration. "nope-" he said popping the p. "you're so full of shit" I laughed, "you all only accepted me because I became hot" I raise my eyebrow now talking to them all. "wait no I remember now" blaise chuckled with amusement. "anyway you need to meet my parents they will adore you" draco smirked.

"hang on a minute here-" Riddle pronounced hovering his body to be closer to mine, "I thought your mum worked with the malfoys or something" "no she does, well- im not too sure to be honest my mums a bit uh- secretive" I honestly spoke. "no ive seen your mum at my house a few times, don't know what for I always get kicked out when I try and approach her. Your mum is one fine woman ludic, I see where you get your looks" draco smirked scraping his food with his fork. Pansy lent over to me whispering but loud enough for draco to hear "his aunt is a milf, wait until you see her" I grinned watching dracos reaction, his face scrunching with disgust. Mostly everyone who knows of my name in this school knows im gay, im fairly open about it yeah not everyone accepts it but we all know they wouldn't dare say anything to say who my father is. I never got the chance to tell my father im gay but when I told my mother she was truly supportive even told me she hooked up with potters mother when she was a teen.

A howl caught me out of my thoughts as the owls dropped off their mail that usually would be at breakfast, "I wonder why they are so late today?" mattheo questioned catching his parcel, I didn't get anything but im not really surprised my mother doesn't tend to give me things, most likely why she got professor snape to give me her letter, that reminds me I need to read it. As I watched draco furrow his brows he opened his mouth in disgust to say something but closed it firmly. "are you alright draco?" pansy asked, her deep accent laced with concern. "my parents are having a meeting in school soon with Dumbledore and snape?" he said more of a question than an answer. "I wonder what that's about?" I reply.

Soon later Dumbledore dismissed us all to our dorms for bed shaking his head with somewhat laughter looking at my outfit. "Well-" Mattheo yawned stretching his joints leaning against a pillar in the common room, "ill see you all in the morning" we all said our nights then headed off to our assigned dorms, as we are last years me and pansy share a room together rather than with all the girls, when we got into our dorm pansy ran off for a shower while I rush my way over to our door locking it while pulling the letter out my bra in a suspense to read it..

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