Chapter 8

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.@@@@@@Normal Pov@@@@@

Feeling relief and excited with ease, Ichigo runs to Kisuke Shop with a smile on his face. He soon reaches to the shop and pants to catch his breathe. "Finally here" he breathe out and walks to the shop door. He reaches his arm towards the door handle and stops, he close his eyes and grins with a chuckle. He opens the door and dodges a kick from Grimmjow. "Finally your carrot top ass is here what took you so long" shouted Grimmjow. Ichigo looked at Grimmjow with a small smile and a softb look. This surprising the bluenette blushed madly and looks away and walks outside. Nnoi and Ulqui walks behind Grimmjow thanking Kisuke. Kisuke waved his fan hiding his smirk behind it. The door closing behind the group and his smirk fall to a frown 'Hope you protect them Ichigo and they protect you'

The sun was setting gracefully in the sky. As usual it was quiet for the group of friends. Grimmjow keep glancing at Ichigo wondering what was wrong. So being himself he ask "Um....Ichigo are you ok?" he looked at Ichigo, Ichigo look back at him and answered kindly "Yeah I'm fine thanks al of you for helping me the other night it's sweet of you" he chuckles and blush rubbing the back of his head. Smiling softly, Ulqui, Nnoi and Grimm came closer and hugged Ichigo tight as all of them chuckles. A dark figure was above, looking down at them with a serious look. "Hmm....i wonder who they are?" this mysterious figure ask aloud to no one in particular. The figure turned but glances at the group one last time and vanish.

"Oi, finally we are home!!!!!" shouts Grimmjow witha wide sloppy grin on his face. "Care to use your inner voice" Ulquiorra said with a blank stare at him. Nnoi answered "I guess not". Ichigo just stared at the scene and he felt at peace. "Hey guys, wanna order in this time" hearing this made all three looked at him with the most cutest childish look ever. "Hell yeah" Nnoi, Grimm and Ulquiorra shouted as Ichigo calms them down. Ichigo went to the phone and ordered Chinese. Completing the oreder he stepped out of teh kitchen and walked into the living room. He sat as he sighs and looks at the espadas with a serious look. "Guys.....I have something to say". He took a breathe and started "I had a dream, a dream that had a small cottage i use to go with my mom and dad. Stepping inside was so warm and cozy that it reminded me of it. I heard a noise in the kitchen, so walking towards it was my mom" Ichigo froze and played with his fingers. He stopped and continued "I ran to her as i hugged her close, yearning for her hugs, the warmth that she gaves off and even her warm smile. She told me this" dear Ichigo you've grown up" I grinned at her words. "But im only here to tell you this protect the ones you love and care for. Love and cherished the one you will grown to love and fight for that person, something is comming and its comming soon....I love you and missed Ishinn, Yuzu and Karin protect the ones you love good bye Ichigo". Then she vanish and well you all know the rest". Tears welled up in Ichigo eyes ans tehy stream down. Grimmjow being hurt by this, got up and wiped away the tears and looking into Ichigo eyes. "Ichigo....we all are sorry for your mom, but we will protect you with our lives and we have yor backs. Your mom only hearing whta you told us love you dearly and she hates to see her little berry crying over her. C'mon smile for us carrot top" Smiling and hugging Ichigo made Grimmjow happy and well soft. Smiling behind him, they got up and hugged him also.

The bright moon shinning all over Karakura Town was beautiful as a dark blue vase and a bright light shinning on it castig beautiful blues on a white suraface. Grimmjow not being able to go to sleep sighed with sadness. Thinking back at what Ichigo told them what like a pin piercing through his heart. Now Grimmjow knows why Ichigo never gives up, always protecting his family and friends and always looking out for everyone. Something inside of Grimmjow tore into two, it was a fire of hope, excitement and determinination, to protect the berry at all cost. Moments later he felt it, the worse fellings ever, his killer instict kicked in as a malicious grin spread on his face "Soul reapers" He whispers with delight. "Oi, Kitty you ready to fight" Nnoi ask looking at him with the same grin as Ulquiorra stepped in with a blank face. "Oh yeah....let's kick some ass" Grmmjow cracking his knuckles with Nnoitra on one side and Ulquiorra on the other. The three ex-espadas wallked to teh front door waiting on the door to open.


Suspense.....what's gonna happen

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