Soft Nights

422 37 13

Tw // disassociation

Tubbo had known Ranboo probably wouldn't go to bed for a while still, but he was still surprised to find him alone in the snow at 4:32 AM. Not because he was awake, that was normal for Ranboo at this point, but because he never usually went out at night.

Ever since the two had been living together in the now finished mansion, Tubbo had been all but forcing Ranboo to get to bed at a normal hour. He was wondering now if that wasn't such a great idea. It seemed Ranboo had already been accustomed to a schedule for a few months now, and Tubbo had completely thrown him off track. Ranboo had been sleeping a lot more than normal, but it was more so during the day than night. Tubbo didn't really mind, really, he was glad the other was finally getting some rest. However, he did mind when he'd wake up during the night to find Ranboo somewhere else in the mansion at some ungodly hour.

It seemed Tubbo's plan to fix Ranboo's schedule completely backfired and Ranboo had gone nocturnal. He was trying his best to shift over to a normal schedule, but it was taking a bit of time. Tubbo had noticed that he seemed way more tired as of late, and he couldn't help but feel at fault for it. So if Ranboo fell asleep at 2 PM, Tubbo didn't have the heart to wake him.

Tonight was one of the nights in which Tubbo woke up to an empty bed. He hummed, a bit disappointed that Ranboo hadn't come to bed yet, but he couldn't be too upset. He shifted slightly, adjusting his blanket to cover himself more. It was quite silly really, the two of them owned a mansion together and they were still determined to share a room. It definitely wasn't convenient, but it seemed to be more of a comfort thing. There was almost nothing more comforting than a friend by your side at all times, even when you weren't conscious. So Tubbo was understandably upset that his cuddle buddy was missing.

Tubbo laid staring at the wall, tracing patterns into it with his stare as he debated what to do next. It only took Tubbo thirty seconds to decide he should probably drag Ranboo to bed. With a small, sleepy huff Tubbo kicked off his blanket and slowly rose from the mattress.

He began his search by heading downstairs, since Ranboo was most commonly found in the living or dining area at these hours. After seeing no sign of the enderman sitting on his favorite chair, or draining their coffee supply, Tubbo moved his search to the higher levels of the mansion.

He peeked through Micheal's room, the ballroom, their farms, the guest bedrooms, and their storage rooms. He began to feel slightly unsettled, deciding that if Ranboo wasn't in the bee dome built into their roof, he was probably out somewhere. This wasn't too uncommon either, but it still made him a bit nervous.

After confirming Ranboo wasn't indoors, Tubbo hastily searched his wardrobe for his favorite fluffy coat. Hoisting it over his shoulders and shifting to slide his arms into the sleeves, he turned to make his way back downstairs. After slipping on his brown hued combat boots, he made his way into the snowy outdoors. It wasn't awfully cold compared to normal, but it was cold enough to catch a cough for a few days without proper protection.

Tubbo made his way through the snow, the crunching beneath his boots filling the silent air. He'd seen large footprints laid out outside the door to the mansion and heading out towards the left. He decided his best bet would probably be to follow them, since he couldn't imagine they'd belong to anyone else but his bizarre enderman friend. 

He watched in increasing amusement and concern as the steps seemed to turn back and go in circles every once in a while. It was an odd walking pattern for sure, and it left the boy wondering what on Earth Ranboo was doing. Somewhere along the path, he saw a grass block placed in the middle of nowhere, with no snow on the top. This meant it was probably placed recently, and based on current evidence, it was probably also placed by Ranboo.

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