sundri library

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1st/ 2nd floor over to the left with a sun roof and desks

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1st/ 2nd floor over to the left with a sun roof and desks

The second floor has a path and a staircase leading up to the 3rd/4th floor

The second floor has a path and a staircase leading up to the 3rd/4th floor

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And then up another set of stairs is the 5th floor

This one is sealed with a giant metal door that only the librarian and the sundri family can open

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This one is sealed with a giant metal door that only the librarian and the sundri family can open.

This one is sealed with a giant metal door that only the librarian and the sundri family can open

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This is the librarian a druid who protects the library and oversees mika's studies. She can summon any book in the library if requested.

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