Chapter 2

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Sahara POV:

I ended up getting home late and getting a beating for it. The skin on my stomach and legs was already purple from last week. There were a few new bruises and a few cuts to join them. My father had failed to notice or care that he had pushed me down on to the shards of the beer bottle that he had broken over my right shoulder. The cuts had stopped bleeding, but I still needed to clean them out. My best first aid kit was out here in the woods away from my father. If he found it, it would be gone, and I would be given a beating for wasting his money.

The woods were my safe haven. My mother had persuaded my father to buy the plot of land that they were on and then build us a home out here. This was before mom had gotten cancer and my father has sold his small computer chip manufacturer to Asus. Now all he did was drink, watch sports, and make my life hell. It was only after the death of my mother that my father became abusive. Now it was a constant struggle to keep my secret safe. I couldn’t leave him. I had seen firsthand how he had handed the death of my mother, and even though he said that I was a waste of space and didn’t deserve to live, if I left he would break down again. I could not let myself be responsible for setting that kind of a monster on the world.

                I walked down an unmarked path that led to the small creek. My first aid kit was hidden within a hollow tree. There was also a change of clothes and some food in there. When I reached the tree, I got a feeling that something was off. Still, I grabbed the bag and headed down to the creek. I got some of the water and put it in a canteen along with some iodine. While I waited for it to purify the water, I started to work on taking my shirt off pulling it away from the cuts, and after that cleaning the cuts with the water and alcohol. Let’s just say that it didn’t feel good.

                I heard a twig snap behind me. I quickly turned around. There standing next to my tree was a man.  He was at least six foot three, and salt and pepper hair and laugh lines gave away his age. He still looked as though he could beat up anyone who defied him.

                I quickly realized that I was still shirtless. I turned around and quickly tried to find my shirt. I slipped it on as fast as I could. When I turned back around he was still there.

                “What are you doing on my land?” I asked.

                All he did was take a step towards me. I took one back, and repeated my question, “Why are you on my land?”

                He took one step closer so that he was right in front of me. He grabbed my arm with a vice like grip.

                “What are you doing?” my voice now shaky.

                He looked deep into my eyes and sniffed my hair. “Good it is you. Ryker will be happy.” He said to me. His voice was rough and coarse, not pleasant. 

                “Please down hurt me.” I said suddenly scared.

                He didn’t respond. He just picked me up and began to run.  At first I was in shock of what was happening, but I quickly wrapped my head around what was going on. I was being kidnapped.

“Put me down!” I demanded.

He laughed, “Darlin’ there’s no way in hell that I am letting you go.”

I yelled at him again, “Put me down!”

He just laughed. I became frustrated and began to hit him on the chest. He seemed not to notice. He began to slow down as the trees started to thin. He kept walking until we came to a medium sized cabin. He went inside and sat me down on the counter top.

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