A Little Fall Of Rain (Les Miserables Fan Fiction)

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*Eponine's P.O.V.*

Marius's eyes are perfect. I can see the fire in them from across the square. I grined at him as he spoke of the new world. The idea of fighting at the barricade lit a spark in his eyes. I agreed with every word that Enjolras and Marius spoke. The only way to get more rights for the lower class in France was to bring the big guys down. Maruis and Enjolras stopped their speech and the crowd yelled "Vive la France" and as Enjolras talked to a few people toward the side of the stage Marius ran toward me.

"Eponine, my love." He picked me up and spun me around and I laughed in joy. He kissed my forehead as he set me back down on the ground.

"You are bold, M'sieur." I teased.

"I must let the world know of my love for the most beautiful girl in the world." Marius said as he kissed me again and I giggled.

"Marius!" Enjolras called for him across the square from the stage.

"I'll be back. Stay out of trouble." With that Marius left.

Marius was the love of my life and I was his. After the Revolution we were planing to be married. I could hardly wait to spend the rest of my life with him. He was perfect and no one could change the love we had for each other.

"Eponine," My father called from the other side of the square. I ran to where he was. "You keep watch with this boy here." I looked at the boy standing beside my father as he grinned and looked me up and down. I rolled my eyes at the boy and ran off to the entrance of the square the boy following behind me.

My father was working on one of his schemes. He is a con artist and a burglar, the best there is. My job was simple, keep watch for inspector Javert. I looked around the corner to see my father leading a man and his daughter, a blonde girl around my age, toward my mother who was hold blankets waded up to look like a child. My mother was 'crying' I chuckled a little at the sight when I felt a hand run up my leg. I quickly turned around and looked at the boy.

"What are you doing?" I yelled.

"You are so beautiful, 'Ponine." The boy said leaning in to kiss me. I pushed him away before he got any closer.

"Leave me alone, or you'll lose an arm." I threatened. I walked away to look down the entrance of the square when I heard a commotion from in side the square. Then I saw a figure walking down the street toward the square. I quickly ran into the square scream "It's Javert!" And as if clock work Javert entered the square behind me.

"Ah. Another brawl in the square." Javert looked at my father "I should have known it would be you Thenardier." As Javert was speaking to my father the man took his daughter and ran away from the scene. Without losing eye contact with my father Javert spoke to the man who was no longer there, "I will see justice for what had happened today." Javert turned to look at the man "Where did that man go? Why would he run away?"

"It was him who started the fight inspector," my father chimed in, "That girl who stood beside him was the child he stole from me!" Javert looked away as if thinking to himself. "In the absence if a victim, dear inspector, can I go? Remember when you've caught the man it was me who told you about him." My father said walking away laughing my mother following behind.

Cosette! That was the girls name. I remember. We were children together. My parents had taken her in. Her mother had not been able to take care of her so she would pay my parents to take care of her. I saw Marius running toward me.

"Oh, thank God your okay." He said grabbing my face and kissing my forehead.

"Don't worry about Javert. He ain't smart, not like me." I said still deep in thought.

"'Ponine, who was that girl?"

"Cosette," I replied.

"Do you know where she lives?" He asked.

"Well, no, I don't. Why?"

"She had dropped her glove, I thought it best if I should return it." Marius said with a smile.

"You are so good natured." I giggled. "I will find out for you."

"You are the best girl a guy could ask for." He said pecking my lips.

"There is lots of things I know. 'Ponine, she knows her way around." I smiled. We walked out of the square hand in hand

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