𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞

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Yep... you can finally know some things about me, in honor of over 3k reads. Face reveal comes when I hit 100 followers so sorry about that- Okay, moving on. So the first up is my age. While I was writing this book, it was kind of an awkward age- I know I just turned 13 like a month ago. But it was still kinda awkward writing lemons while I was 12. Well, my age, I'm 13! 

Next one is my ethnicity. I feel like I said this in one of my other chapters but that sucks, I'm gonna say it again. I am LATINAAAAA!!! I don't really look Latina though- like my skin color is pretty white. Well, my skin color isn't 100% white, it's kinda hard to describe lmao. It's not like mom's or my dad's, who have darker skin colors because they were born in El Salvador and Guatemala. 

Let's talk about my siblings- I have 3, kind of. I have two step-brothers and one sister. My sister is like my actual sister, and the other two... they're kinda extra. My sister is younger than me by two years. One of my step-brothers is younger than me. He's younger than me by a little bit over a year. I see him more as a brother than anything. Then my other step-brother is like a year older than me. He's more of my best friend than my brother.

Now, let's talk about school life. I just got out of 7th grade, so when school is back in session I am going to be an 8th grader! Uh, how about grades! Well, my grades could've been better lmao. I was pretty bad with keeping up with assignments so that kinda cost me some of my grades. My favorite class was definitely ELA. Math... is a pain in the ass. Science is okay, I guess. Choir... I kinda liked singing I just didn't like the concerts. Our first two were online but the last one was irl. That pissed me off, that's why next year I'm just taking Multi-Media, Spanish, and STEM. My friends were kinda pissed but oh well-

How about mental health? Well, my mental health is dead. I'm a pretty sad person and writing stuff, watching anime, and listening to music is kinda my escape. I want to talk to someone but I feel like people don't really understand lmao. I only really talk to my two close friends and my older step-brother about stuff. As of now, I haven't been diagnosed with anything, that's mainly because my parents don't really believe in anxiety and depression and mental illnesses. I guess it's kinda fine but if I don't get diagnosed I can't really get any help.

MY FAVORITE ANIMEEEE- okay sorry I just love anime. My favorite anime currently is definitely Jujutsu Kaisen. It's so amazing, like the animation and story is beautiful. The character design is amazing, like, HAVE YOU SEEN GOJO-SENSEI OR MEGUMI?! LIKE AHHHHHHH

Hmmm... let's talk about one more thing, how about.... love life- LMAO THAT WAS SO CRINGEY TO WRITE- Okay, moving on. Uh, I am crushing on someone, who that is will remain a secret. I know two of my friends know about this account so if you're reading this you better not say anything or istg I will run to your house rn. It is a boy, I don't like any girls at the moment, unless if you count anime girls. But I know that this boy likes me back but we aren't going to do anything. Why? Well that'll also remain a secret. So, yep, crushing on someone but still single. What's sad is that when I'm an 8th grader he'll be a freshman in high school. I won't see him as frequently T~T.

I think that's plenty to know about me, if you have more questions just comment them. I was bored and didn't know what to write in my sho x reader book. At least now you know some things about me! Okay, byeee

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