Chapter 1 - Moving

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Richie Tozier and Stanley Uris sat together under a tree in Stan's backyard. It was a sunny day. Richie sat in front of Stan, leaning back to lay on him. With his arms around Richie, and his head on his shoulder, Stanley smiled fondly.

It was quiet. The wind rustled through some trees. Both the boys remained silent, except for a hum coming from Richie every once and a while. They had been laying here up against the tree for about an hour now. Richie hummed, and looked at his boyfriend with a smile. Stan knew this smile. He knew it very well. Laughing lightly in response to this smile, Stan gave his boyfriend a quick kiss.

"Promise me you won't forget me after you leave Derry..?" Richie held out his hand with his pinky extended."I promise, Chee." Stan locked his pinky around Richie's, bringing their hands up to his mouth and lightly kissing it.

They both smiled and continued to lay there for the next few hours. Just enjoying each others company and the time they had left to spend together. Tomorrow Stan would leave Derry. The two would start a long distance relationship. Both would miss the other so much. They had spent the past week together as much as they could. Long Distance would be new for them. They were used to spending so much time together and being able to see each other whenever. Now, with one of them moving hours away, things would be a bit different.

When Richie wasn't spending time with Stan throughout the week, he was making the perfect present to give to his lovely boyfriend before he has to leave. A lot of thought went into this gift. It was perfect. Tomorrow Richie will give his gift to Stan. Tomorrow Stan will leave. Tomorrow is when things will change.

Richie hugged Stan tightly. They both stood hugging in front of the Uris's car, filled with luggage. Neither wanted to let go first. It was warm that day, with a slight breeze. The sun was out. It was early morning, 8 am to be exact. Richie woke up early so he could come and help the Uris family get stuff into the car and also to say bye to Stan. It hadn't really set in that he was actually leaving until now. 

Richie teared up and hugged Stan a little tighter. In response, he hugged back tighter, "Chee stop crying, you are gonna make me cry." 

This simply made Richie start to cry more, "shut up i'm just really gonna miss you, bird boy." He smiled. Stan carefully pulled back from the hug and kissed Richie softly on the forehead.

"I've got a gift for you before you go," Wiping his tears, he handed his lovely bird boy a book.It was a copy of Stan's favorite bird book. 

He smiled fondly at it. Then carefully he opened the cover, to see the inside. 

Inside was a note written on the inside of the cover that read:

'to my beautiful bird boy. I know you already know practically all there is to know about birds, I remember you mentioned this was your favorite book and you so desperately wanted to own a copy of it. I'll leave you a forget-me-not so that you are sure not to forget about me. Also some of my favorite pictures of us from the photo booth at the arcade. Of course one of just myself so you can always have my wonderful face with you haha ;) 

You better remember to call a ton !!

I'll miss you, bird boy.

I love you,

Richie Tozier'

Beside the note was a few photos from the photo booth that they had taken together. Also a few Polaroid photos of them and one of just Richie. Also on the page was a carefully flower pressed forget-me-not flower.

"I hope you like it, I thought about it all week!" Richie smiled happily.

Stan wiped a tear away and closed the book, hugging it. "I love it so much. I love you so much," he quickly kissed Richie softly and then pulled away.

"I love you, Chee."

"I love you too, Bird Boy."

Mrs. Uris came up to the two boys, "Alright, we've gotta get going, are you ready?" her son nodded, "yes mom," he looked back at Richie and gave him one last kiss, before getting into the car.

The car drove off. Richie waved bye until he couldn't see the car anymore.he smiled sadly,

"Miss you already, Bird Boy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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