A Tangled Web

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I walked outside as Max was finishing his speech to mom and Fernando.

[Max] So, in closing, 88% of corn was genetically modified in 2011. That's five times as much as 20 years ago. Thank you. The end.

Me, Mom, and Fernando all clap once Max is done.

[Fernando] Max, this is so exciting! Your whole class is coming here to see your sustainable farm project.
[Mom] Oh, but the last time they came, the boys left the bathroom a mess. They're not great aimers.
[Fernando] Sometimes we're not aiming. We're having fun peeing our name.

Me, Mom, and Max look at Fernando weirdly.

[Max] Well, just so you know, my project's going to win the green ribbon. Oh, yes, that green ribbon will be mine.

Max then tries laughing evil like.

[Mom] Max, it's not about winning. It's about doing your best. And never laugh like that again.
[Max] Well, word on the jungle gym is Taylor's the one to beat.

Taylor and his dad then come walking up.

[Taylor] I believe they're talking about it on the swing set too.
[Mom] Taylor. What a pleasant surprise.
[Taylor] Hello, Doctor Fuller. Is that a new perfume? Enchanting.
[Mom] Yeah, I just picked it up at Nordstrom Rack and I... Why am I telling you this?
[Taylor's dad] Hello, I'm Taylor's dad. And may I just add, that is a beautiful blouse.
[Fernando] You think so? I find it a little busy. Sorry.
[Mom] Can I help you with something Taylor's dad?
[Taylor's dad] We're just here to scout the venue. We need lots of space to unveil Taylor's solar-powered all-terrain vehicle.
[Taylor] Which I built all by myself. Right, dad?
[Taylor's dad] Right, son. Anyway, we're gonna need more room. Can we get rid of these boxes full of weeds?
[Max] Weeds? This is my sustainable farm, man.

Taylor and his dad laugh. And both say 'adorable.'

[Mom] It so happens that my son worked very hard on this. Perhaps your unaware that he was the valedictorian of second grade.
[Taylor's dad] Only because Taylor was studying abroad at the foreign exchange program for the academically gifted.
[Mom] Max plays chess.
[Taylor's dad] Taylor teaches chess. Can I speak to you privately for a moment? You should really prepare your son for his inevitable defeat.
[Mom] It doesn't matter what the outcome is, as long as he tries hard and has fun.
[Taylor's dad] See, that is so comforting. That is exactly what you should say to him when he loses.
[Dylan] You should also prepare your son to start getting bullied and constantly be given swirlies.
[Taylor's dad] I don't like your attitude.
[Dylan] Oh well, anyways mom I'm gonna head down to the skate park soon.

Mom nods her head ok.

[Taylor's dad] Taylor, let's go. Let's go get a pre-victory snack. Who wants a McRib.
[Taylor] Winners do!

Taylor and his dad then leave.

[Dylan] Ok, I'm heading off now. Hey Max your plants are great. Taylor's dad probably helped him.

I the leave heading for the skate park. I skate around for a bit until the sun starts to set so I head home. When I get home Aunt Steph is setting up her music equipment in the living and calls everyone to the living room.

[Aunt Steph] All right. Thanks so much, you guys. Also thank you Dylan, also I am never going back to that hang out that place is weird and sketchy.
[Dylan] You're welcome.
[Aunt Steph] This is my new song with my new band. And I wrote this song for my dreamy boyfriend, Jimmy. It's called "The Boy Next Door." Because Jimmy grew up next door, and he's a boy.
[Jimmy] Oh, that works on so many levels.
[Aunt Steph] Two, Three, Four...

Aunt Steph then sings her song.

[Aunt Steph] Thank you, family who would cheer for even if I stunk.
[Jimmy] Oh, no you slayed it. I'm sorry, guys. Once I start crying, there goes the whole day.
[Fernando] I too was deeply moved. The last time I cried this much was for Argentina.
[Max] People pull it together. It's a song, not Toy Story 3.

[Aunt Steph] All right, you guys, why don't you take five?
[Mom] Steph, I'm so proud of you.
[Aunt Steph] Thank you.

723 words
Authors Note
I'm ending it here because I don't know what else to write. I'll probably come back and edit it at some point.
Published: 6/6/2021

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