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"Is Nijah pregnant?" Sharon looked at Ace who was playing his game.

"No. Why?" He paused his game.

"Because I seen her on Instagram popping a balloon with Dee" she said and he scrunched up his face.

"Who the fuck is Dee?" He asked her.

"A guy we used to chill with" she said and he scrunched up his face.

"I can't understand you" he said as she frowned.

Her mouth was still fucked up.

"Are you going to get my teeth fixed" she tried to say.

"Bitch are YOU going to get your teeth fixed?" He laughed a little.

"Bitch? You never treated Nijah like this" She frowned.

"Because I loved Nijah, I can't stand you" he said.

"Obviously you ain't live her enough" she mumbled.

He went on his phone and tried to go to Nijah account but she had him blocked.

"Nijah don't have you blocked?" He asked.

"She do, I have another account" she said.

"Let me see" he grabbed her phone.

He went to Nijah page and she posted a car, and her lip singing to a song with a girl.

Then she posted a mirror video with her rubbing her stomach saying 'my mini me'

"She look good" he mumbled seeing if she had any new post.

"Don't like anything" Sharon said.

"I know" he mugged her.

He went back to her story and went to the girl page.

"Who is this" he asked clicking on her story and seen her rubbing Nijahs stomach.

"Look at my sister and my tootie pooh" she said making Nijah laugh. "I can't wait to meet my niece"

"Stop bitch look at how I'm looking" she said and the girl laughed.

"That's NuNu the girl I fought" Sharon said.

"Damn she beat the fuck outta you" he laughed.

"You say it like G didn't beat you up a few minutes later, and then she jumped in and hit you too" she rolled her eyes.

"Oh yea this shordy from the mall huh?" He asked and she nodded.

"Alright you have to go" he stood up.

"Why?" She frowned.

"I'm leaving I don't trust you, you a damn snake" he laughed and she stormed out of the house.

"You a damn bum!" She yelled.

"Where you stay tho? Oh okay" he laughed getting in his car.

"Nijah come on" NuNu said. "Dee over at the food"

"Y'all get the food I'm looking at these pampers.

"Girl she already has so much" NuNu laughed.

"Just one second I'll be there" Nijah said and NuNu nodded before walking away.

"Ouu" Nijah mumbled walking to some bibs before bumping into someone.

"I'm sorry— oh" she looked back at the bibs.

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