My Family Tree

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-Chloe's P.O.V-

Today I was gonna start a project about my family. Since the long line of Hendersons are very, well smart, I decided to go to the library with my best friends; Cameron, Layla, and Natalie. Every since I was 2, my mother has been acting very strange to me. I didn't bother her at all with strangeness, but something was up and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

Chloe- (shaking the milk jug) Okay, who used all the milk?

I'm guessing I did get to the bottom of that.

Diane (her mother)- Sorry honey, but I used it in the cake I made for the bake sell yesturday. Here's lunch money.

Chloe- Its ok, i'll just go get some food from Chick-fil-A. I'm fine.

Diane- Okay, just be careful and good luck on your family tree. (about to leave)

Chloe- Mom, do we have any secret relatives?

Diane- The only secret around here is that you're grandfather is lazier then Dudley on T.U.F.F Puppy.

Chloe- You're right. Thanks mom. (walks upstairs)

Diane- (quickly dials her mother) Mom, you didn't tell Chloe did you?

Chloe- (sneaks back downstairs)

Diane- Ok, mom. I'm just afraid she might find out about him. Love ya, bye. (hangs up and leaves)

I can't believe my mother lied to me in my face. And who is he. I have to find out whats going on in this family.

Chloe- (calls Cameron) Cam, I need you bring the girls over to my house, I have a feeling something is about to be shocking.

-An hour later, in the basement-

Layla- (holding a flashlight) Are you positive that its a relative.

Natalie- Yeah, it could've just been a secret boyfriend she didn't want you to know about.

Chloe- Guys, i'm 100% positive that it wasn't a boyfriend. If so, she would've told me.

Cameron-Then why are we down here instead of up there?

Chloe- Because, something down here is a huge lead to whats going on.

Layla- I think so, too. One time I slept over and seen your mom come down here atleast 5 times.

Natalie- She does come down here often.

Chloe- Exactly.

Cameron- And plus she would never lie to you.

Layla- I just don't think that we're gonna find something by just falling. (trips over a chest)

Natalie- (grabs the flashlight) Look, a chest.

Layla- (getting up) I stand incorrected.

Chloe- Find the light switch.

Cameron- (turns on the light) Cool, what is that.

Natalie- I'm guessing we should find out, plus no lock.

Chloe- (about to open)

Natalie- Don't open it.

Layla- (whispers) Open it.

Cameron- Open it.

Chloe- (opens the chest)


Chloe- (pulls out a picture, reads the back) Its a guy.

Cameron- Well...

Layla- Whats his name?

Chloe- Logan, Logan Phillip Henderson.

Natalie- A cousin?

Chloe- No, my brother.

Cameron, Layla, Natalie- (gasps)

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