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Any and all credits go to @Makk112 they wrote the story and came up with the idea of the story. The first 13 parts have been copied (not going to lie) word for word from their story. I'm only continuing their story because they haven't and it's a great story that I would love to see continued. 

For anyone that's read the story and @Makk112 I'm sorry if how I continue it isn't how you would continue it.

I'm not going to lie to you, I will be on and off about writing this story, but I'll try my best and won't leave you waiting for that long. Summer is soon so my writing will get more consistent in the summer. If I'm going to be gone for a long time I'll tell you. 

Fair Warning: If I'm gone please don't get mad I did warn you. I'm sorry if it sounds bitchy of me but I do have other things to do.

Thank you.


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