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"I have some good news," Dwight told the four boys standing in front of him. 

They looked at each other in confusion and anticipation. Having been working hard to complete all the tasks on the task board, they all thought they could use a break and some exciting news.  

"We here at the Beta have noticed how focused you have been to complete the tasks, so we thought you could use a little breather. A little birdy told me," Dwight said touching his ear, "that one of you is crushing on your tutor, so I thought that we could compromise. You can switch out one of the tasks on the board after you accomplish your new one."

"Which is?" Cooze questioned.

"Getting Nick in bed with his tutor. After he sleeps with the girl of his wet dreams, you can choose a task from the task board and mark it off," Dwight explained.

"But she's a senior, and trust me, I've been trying. She's made it pretty clear that she is only interested in tutoring me in biology," Nick said.

Eric replied, "Well get her interested in your biology because if you don't, we have to do task 34."

Ah, the dreaded task 34. Each boy turned their eyes to the task board. Bobby shuddered at the thought. That was the one task that each boy would agree is the only task they are thinking of not completing. 

"Think of it as a team-building exercise, just like the rest of the tasks. You will work together to accomplish the task, or complete all the tasks, even task 34.  But the way I see it, it's a win-win situation. You get to bang the hot tutor you've been moaning about and don't have to do task 34, which is probably one of the nastier tasks," Dwight explained. 

"Okay. Okay, we'll do it, but what happens if we don't complete the new task?" Eric asked.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. That's the beauty of it. No punishment for not completing. No consequences, only reward. Alright," Dwight said, finishing his explanation. "you boys get to it. Happy hunting, and I expect some progress by the end of the week," Dwight finished, pointing and winking at Nick. 

He then left the room, leaving the boys to make plans.  

"So what are we going to do? I have tried a few times to get her to agree to go out with me, and she has been... unforgiving with her refusal. Not a big deal, but I don't think my ego can take another denial," Nick said

"Well, it's a big deal now. We need to complete this task. I really don't want to do task 34," Bobby said, his mind still on task 34.

"Look, like Dwight said, this has to be a team effort. We are going to help you get it on with your hot tutor and not have to do task 34," Cooze said. 

"Okay, so when is your next session?" Eric asked.

"Tuesday. She is meeting me at the library at noon." 

"Okay, so that means we have one day to do recon. See what she's into and the type of guy you have to be in order for her to agree to sleep with you." Bobby said. 

"Alright. Let's get to work." 


Like I said, very on and off with writing. This is more of a for-fun thing so, just tuck it away in your library and ignore it If you want. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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