Entry #1 ;September 21

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Dear diary,

It's my birthday today, haha... As usual diary, I spent my birthday hiding from everyone who would know that it was in fact my birthday... I don't get why people use the occasion as a reason for me to treat them to some fancy restaurant or some shit like that.. So I ditched school, went to the nearest Internet cafe and played my favorite game... Of course I started playing alone. Livin' the life of a birthday girl.... This has always been my ideal birthday. Having no fake bitches trying to suck up to you to get free shit, have the day all to myself, and eat while I play the day away...

I was taking a break from playing while suddenly, a friend who I don't usually play with, invited me for a game... Seeing as I wasn't  busy I shrugged and thought to myself "it's been a while since we have played anyway.. So what the heck, Right? It would be nice catching up.

Right in the middle of the game, I noticed that one of my friend's friend was good... Very good actually... I felt us being in sync the whole time... So I tried to get his attention and you know, praised him and all that crap... But he wouldn't notice me. I got sad for a moment and told myself "Maybe he's a serious gamer you know? When he's in the zone, he's in the zone... And maybe he has a girlfriend already. So don't even think about it".

We were so in sync that I didn't want our game to end because even if he wouldn't talk to me, his play style complemented mine and I can rarely find that kind of connection with anyone in the game... Sooooo dramatic to talk about a game like that right? Like, go get a life or something. Geezus. But sadly, we had to finish the game....

Before the we claimed our team's victory, we said our goodbyes and I prepared myself to face the fact that I might never ever be able to play with him again. And that thought sort of saddened me a bit. I hit the exit button and sighed... But I was surprised because he sent me a friend request. Of course I, thinking that he was a good player, it would be a waste to let the opportunity pass up so I click accept and all of a sudden he starts talking to me... I was fangirling inside. No joke. I was all giggly and shit. And we started talking... We complimented each other on how good we both played together and just started talking... I realized that I was starting to say random things just so our conversation wouldn't have to end... I eventually told him that it's my birthday today..

He greeted me of course.... And said sorry because he didn't have a gift for me... I found it rather adorable that he was frustrated knowing it was my birthday but he didn't get me anything so he felt the need to result into using profanity. Of course I'm fine with him not giving me a gift though.. Who was he to give me a gift? We only just met... Still, it was a sweet thing to consider. Even my own best friend forgot my birthday after all...

We kept on talking but I told him I had to go... I didn't want to stop talking to him though... But I didn't tell of course, I didn't wanna seem like a desperate bitch for guy's attention... Anyway, before I left, he asked if he could add me up on Facebook. I smiled, gave him the link, told him to just say who he was and said goodbye.

When I got home, I opened up my Facebook and saw that he did send me a friend request, and he messaged me too saying who he was. Of course I stalked his profile first.. He was adorable... Although, he didn't really have to be all formal and actually introduce himself as the guy I met in the game...

"Hey, Vyolette. It's me. Four of Diamonds... The one you played with earlier... Hi again..."

Once I read his message, I immediately accepted his friend request and replied. Is it bad that I'm already starting to like this guy? I mean, we just met... That's so fuckin' random. "Heart, what the fuck do you think you're doing?! You can't go liking someone that easily!" I said to myself as I put a hand over my chest where my heart is. Like, what the fuck.

We got to talk for the whole night, but I had to log off Facebook because my phone was getting low on battery and I had to charge it til it's full because I use my phone 24/7. Then he asked for my number...He immediately texted me and introduced himself the same goofy way that he did on Facebook.. I found it so cute... Hahaha... We just talked, about random things like how I call everyone son because I wanna family-zone all my guy friends so I wouldn't have to like them... We also talked about each other's interests until all of a sudden he told me that he doesn't want to be my son... Instead, he wants to be my boyfriend... I told him,"but you are... You're a guy, and we're friends right?" He whines.. It's cute...

It's already four in the morning and we were still talking.. He called me beautiful... I can see right through him so easy. He was a bad boy. He was a player. I was a good girl. I knew I'd get my heart broken eventually. Should I take the risk? His world is different from mine. It would chew me up and spit me out alive. If I could just help myself, I really would. But why do they always have to look so good?

"Uuuuuughhhhh,!!!" I throw myself at my pillow groaning in frustration.

But since it was late, I eventually told him that I had to go to bed because my first class in uni was early...

He said "goodnight, sweet dreams, sleep tight..."
I replied "you too, don't let the bed bugs bite... And don't dream of me... You'll get nightmares.."

"Oh, it's not a nightmare because it's going to be you..and you're beautiful.." I shook my head as I smiled. This guy might be the death of me. 'Don't let him in, you'll only get hurt again.' I thought to myself.

Diary, I don't know how this guy, who I only just met, give me butterflies ... On the first day...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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