Chapter 2: Day 1

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Luke's P.O.V.

My head is killing me. From what I can tell I'm lying on a bed. I think I'm in the guild infirmary because in the background I can hear some people talking.

"Do you think he'll be alright?"

"I hope so, he doesn't have any physical injuries."

"He's been asleep all night!"

Wait what?! I've been knocked out for that long! Memories of yesterday flooded my mind as I groaned and sat up.

Normal P.O.V.

Everyone nearby heard Luke groan and saw him sit up.

"Ugh. What happened? My head is killing me." He said.

"We don't know. Are you feeling ok? You aren't hurt are you?" Questioned Natsumi. She would never admit it, but she has always had a crush on Luke.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired." He decided to lay there for a while reading, but it turns out he was in there longer than expected because when Luke came out it was a little after 5 pm.

When he entered the main room he made his way to the bar. Not long after he noticed a guild brawl about to start and got the sudden urge to join in but decided to wait. After about a half an hour the fight really started. Punches and kicks were being thrown left and right, and Luke didn't know why but the urge to join in was getting stronger and stronger but he resisted because he didn't want to get caught up in that mess. Suddenly, it was like something took control of him, but he knew exactly what was going on, in a flash he was in the middle of the fight. This wasn't really noticed by anyone because they were to busy fighting.

Meanwhile, Natsumi threw a punch at Grace, who blocked and kicked her back. It didn't take long before half the guild joined in. Elfman was about to throw a punch at some random dude when out of nowhere Luke stepped in and grabbed his fist with one hand, stopping him. Gasps were heard from the crowd all thinking 'Since when was Luke so strong.?' Or 'Did Luke seriously just stop Elfman's punch with his hand.' They were even more surprised when Luke kicked him in the gut, causing him to stumble back. Everybody fighting and the entire audience stopped what they were doing and looked at Luke, then at Elfman, then at Luke again. Their eyes were bulging out of their sockets and their jaws were on the ground. Luke only smirked and walked out of the guild.

Natsumi's P.O.V

I'm not gonna lie, that was hot! I never knew he had that strength in him, what happened to him. It's strange, the Luke I know never joins into fights unless we're on a mission.

Eric's P.O.V.

What the hell just happened?!?! Was that for real?! Elfman is literally 3 times his size! Since when was Luke so strong?! He needs to fight like that more on missions, I had no idea he was skilled at hand to hand combat.

Everybody Else's P.O.V.

What just happened?!

Luke's P.O.V.

What the hell did I just do?!?! How-wha-I'm confused!! Since when did I have all that strength?! I think I need some rest, it's getting late.

Hey!! I decided to update again today. Sorry if it seems a bit to rushed but I just wanted to get past the first day because the other days are more interesting. Thanks again for reading, I really do enjoy it. Please recommend any good fanfics to me so that I can read them. If you like this story please tell your friends.

I forgot the disclaimer in the last chapter so here it is.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail

Thanks! :)

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